POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : High-Quality CFD Movies with Symscape's Caedium and POV-Ray Server Time
21 Dec 2024 06:36:22 EST (-0500)
  High-Quality CFD Movies with Symscape's Caedium and POV-Ray (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: syguy
Subject: High-Quality CFD Movies with Symscape's Caedium and POV-Ray
Date: 13 Dec 2010 15:05:00
Message: <web.4d067bf32b740682c967f9510@news.povray.org>
The latest release of Caedium (v2.4) by Symscape can now create high-quality
movies, where each frame can be rendered by POV-Ray. Further, multiple frames
can be rendered in parallel on multi-core computers.

For an example see:

For more details see:

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