POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : Symscape releases SymLab RANS Flow Server Time
21 Dec 2024 07:22:06 EST (-0500)
  Symscape releases SymLab RANS Flow (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: syguy
Subject: Symscape releases SymLab RANS Flow
Date: 2 Nov 2009 14:30:01
Message: <web.4aef32b2a97343e793c895f10@news.povray.org>
The new SymLab RANS Flow add-on can simulate realistic (viscous) gas and liquid
flow with heat transfer using state-of-the-art Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD). SymLab RANS Flow makes it easy to simulate complex fluid flow around and
through your design with SymLab's automated meshing tools and its easy-to-use
visualization tools. When combined with the SymLab Viz Export add-on you can
also export directly to the POV-Ray SDL format and create high quality
ray-traced images.

For the complete press release visit:

For an example of the POV-Ray export visit:

Symscape - Computer-Aided Engineering for All

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