POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : Generative Design with LSystems Server Time
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  Generative Design with LSystems (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: uroncoroni
Subject: Generative Design with LSystems
Date: 23 Jun 2007 19:20:02
Message: <web.467daa5d569df76aba14ce940@news.povray.org>
I have just published a web page about generative design, LSystems, Cellular
Automata as a course documentation of my University courses at the Faculty
of Architecture of the SMDP University of Lima Peru.
I'm intersted in generative design methodology and generative software
design, interfaces and tecniques.

There is a gallery of images rendered with POVRay and the software can be
downloaded freely.

the link is:


U. Roncoroni

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From: Dennis Miller
Subject: Re: Generative Design with LSystems
Date: 26 Jul 2007 20:48:24
Message: <46a940d8@news.povray.org>
"Run-time error.
Path not found."

Can you tell me were the files have to be to run your software?
thanks much.
"uroncoroni" <uro### [at] digitalpoiesisorg> wrote in message 
> Hi,
> I have just published a web page about generative design, LSystems, 
> Cellular
> Automata as a course documentation of my University courses at the Faculty
> of Architecture of the SMDP University of Lima Peru.
> I'm intersted in generative design methodology and generative software
> design, interfaces and tecniques.
> There is a gallery of images rendered with POVRay and the software can be
> downloaded freely.
> the link is:
> http://www.digitalpoiesis.org
> bye,
> U. Roncoroni

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