POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : PovClipse logo challenge stated Server Time
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  PovClipse logo challenge stated (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Wolf
Subject: PovClipse logo challenge stated
Date: 27 Apr 2007 14:55:01
Message: <web.463246167616ffb4edd244720@news.povray.org>

PovClipse still lacks a recognizable logo, so a logo challenge has started.
The goal is to contribute a highly recognizable logo to the PovClipse

The challenge will be open until 2007-Aug-28, followed by a 4 week voting
The PovClipse logo will be picked from the top-3 voted logos.

If you're a graphical person please feel invited to take part in the

Please check the PovClipse homepage ( http://povclipse.sourceforge.net ) for
more details!

Best regards,

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