POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : PovClipse 0.6.2 released Server Time
21 Dec 2024 21:34:26 EST (-0500)
  PovClipse 0.6.2 released (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Wolf
Subject: PovClipse 0.6.2 released
Date: 21 Jan 2007 06:25:01
Message: <web.45b34c845c3710e5edd244720@news.povray.org>

PovClipse, the free Eclipse plugin for Povray, is available in version

The new features since 0.6.1:
=> Java 6 (AKA "Mustang") is supported.
=> Povray 3.6 docs integrated into the eclipse help system (optional)
=> If the word below the cursor is listed on the Povray documentation
   index page Shift+F2 opens the Povray help at the corresponding page.
=> Holding the Ctrl key activates hypertext on:
    * include file name (opens an editor showing the included file)
    * macro name (opens an editor showing the #macro code)
    * declaration name (opens an editor showing the #declare code.)
=> Information hover on declared names.

As usual, please use the Eclipse update mechanism to install PovClipse as
described on the PovClipse homepage ( http://povclipse.sourceforge.net ) in
section "Installation".
Do not download the source ZIP located on the Sourceforge project page as it
does not contain the binaries, only the sources!

Have fun with PovClipse!

Best regards,

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