POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : PovClipse v0.4.0 released Server Time
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  PovClipse v0.4.0 released (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Wolf
Subject: PovClipse v0.4.0 released
Date: 13 Sep 2006 03:45:01
Message: <web.4507b62610cd9808d69345c50@news.povray.org>

PovClipse, a free editor for your scene and include files, was released in
Version 0.4.0.

for editing the scene files directly by hand (not using a graphical
editor like Moray).

Some PovClipse features (please check the homepage for the full list):
=> Syntax highlighting
=> Code assist
=> Code Templates
=> Code folding
=> Outline view
=> Image View
=> Render configurations
=> Online help
=> Preference settings

Please check the PovClipse homepage: http://povclipse.sourceforge.net
You will find some screenshots on the PovClipse Sourceforge page:


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From: George Pantazopoulos
Subject: Re: PovClipse v0.4.0 released
Date: 13 Sep 2006 11:25:00
Message: <web.450821f8ea5012f47aa29ee90@news.povray.org>
"Wolf" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Hi,
> PovClipse, a free editor for your scene and include files, was released in
> Version 0.4.0.

Nice! Your 0.3.0 release had a lot going for it, and I'm looking forward to
trying this new release. I love Eclipse and use it for my Python software
and Python hardware projects. Using Eclipse with POV-Ray sounds really
good. I'd love to integrate this with my pyxrsclient (client for MegaPOV
XRS), now that I made if command-line compatible with MegaPOV :)



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From: Wolf
Subject: Re: PovClipse v0.4.0 released
Date: 29 Sep 2006 16:00:01
Message: <web.451d7aceea5012f4edd244720@news.povray.org>

> Nice! Your 0.3.0 release had a lot going for it, and I'm looking forward to
> trying this new release.

George, thanks a lot! Especially for you ;-)) I've made a new version 0.4.1!

There are a number of new features like:
  => Auto-completion of braces, bracktes and quotes
  => brace matching using highlighting
  => double-clicking on a word highlights all ocurrences of the word
  => new templates
  => Support for the eclipse Platform Runtime Binary version
  => Bugfix for a number of minor isues

Have fun with it!


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