POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : Sun Grid Compute Utility $1/CPU-hr - POVray 3.6 hosted Server Time
22 Dec 2024 02:52:02 EST (-0500)
  Sun Grid Compute Utility $1/CPU-hr - POVray 3.6 hosted (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Eastinjun
Subject: Sun Grid Compute Utility $1/CPU-hr - POVray 3.6 hosted
Date: 23 Mar 2006 16:55:01
Message: <web.4423186c10b6c1ed7a7135060@news.povray.org>
Sun Microsystems announced the Sun grid Compute Utility yesterday which
allows users to run their jobs at $1/CPU-hr.

Sun is hosting the POVRay application inside users account as a sample
application. Checkout http://www.network.com

It provides 10Gb of storage and payment is by paypal account. You can buy as
little time as you'd like, in $1 increments. It is only available for United
States residents. With thousands of CPU processors available in the Grid,
expect your results faster and better.

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