POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : POV-Ray grammar file Server Time
21 Dec 2024 12:17:31 EST (-0500)
  POV-Ray grammar file (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: clipka
Subject: POV-Ray grammar file
Date: 10 Jan 2016 17:46:26
Message: <5692df42$1@news.povray.org>
FYI, I've just concocted a POV-Ray grammar file for syntax highlighting
in the Atom text editor and made it publicly available at
https://github.com/c-lipka/language-povray. To my understanding it
should also be possible to import the grammar into TextMate or Sublime Text.

At present the grammar definition is still incomplete, and since I don't
use Atom myself I probably won't be putting much further effort into it
myelf, but any contributions towards extending and refining it would
still be welcome.

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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: POV-Ray grammar file
Date: 10 Jan 2016 20:42:33
Message: <56930889@news.povray.org>
Great spirit! Thanks! Hoping that users will participate!

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