I've just generated another semi-official POV-Ray for Windows
development build:
As usual, this is once again a drop-in replacement for the Windows
binary, to be copied into an existing POV-Ray 3.7.0 installation.
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clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Am 21.03.2015 um 12:57 schrieb Tor Olav Kristensen:
> > Where should I post screenshots and dump-files ?
> No need to; I'm able to reproduce the problem here.
For those of you that wonder which message Christoph is replying to:
I cancelled my message. Here it is again:
I get a memory violation when I try this:
#declare A = array[10];
#declare A[1] = 1;
#declare A[2] = 2;
#declare A[3] = 3;
#declare (E) = (A);
#debug "\n\n\n"
#debug str(E[1], 0, -1)
#debug "\n\n\n"
#declare (A[1], A[2], A[3], E) = (1, 2, 3, A);
The same scene file once generated this message without POV-Ray crashing:
"Parse Error: Do not know how to free memory for identifier type 1072693248"
POV-Ray v3.7.1-alpha.7981337.unofficial.msvc10?
pvengine32-sse2.exe, Windows 8.1, AMD A8-6410
Where should I post screenshots and dump-files ?
Tor Olav
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On 03/16/2015 01:40 AM, clipka wrote:
> I've just generated another semi-official POV-Ray for Windows
> development build:
> https://github.com/c-lipka/povray/releases/tag/v3.7.1-alpha.7981337
> As usual, this is once again a drop-in replacement for the Windows
> binary, to be copied into an existing POV-Ray 3.7.0 installation.
figured you'd ask so i pulled the source and this one builds ok fine
ash@linux-c2bm:~/ScratchPad/povray/povray-3.7.1-alpha.7981337 $ povray
POV-Ray 3.7.1-alpha.7981337.unofficial
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