POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : LionSnake 1.7.1 now available Server Time
21 Dec 2024 10:56:50 EST (-0500)
  LionSnake 1.7.1 now available (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: John VanSickle
Subject: LionSnake 1.7.1 now available
Date: 27 Feb 2008 21:45:23
Message: <47c62043$1@news.povray.org>
One feature added and one bugfix:

* There was an entry in the file menu which didn't do anything. This 
entry said "Import...", but importing is actually implemented in the 
dialog box which comes up when a new project is created. So the separate 
menu function for importing was not needed. Removed.
* Bones can be pushed to the bottom of the Bone queue so that the user 
doesn't have to move a Bone in order to access another Bone located in 
the same place.

As always, the download can be found at this page:



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From: nemesis
Subject: Re: LionSnake 1.7.1 now available
Date: 27 Feb 2008 23:40:01
Message: <web.47c63a1bc6ebcb653147a6f60@news.povray.org>
"Sorry, the page you requested was not found."

just checking out...

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From: John VanSickle
Subject: Re: LionSnake 1.7.1 now available
Date: 28 Feb 2008 16:33:35
Message: <47c728af$1@news.povray.org>
nemesis wrote:
> "Sorry, the page you requested was not found."
> just checking out...

Cursed typos!



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