POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : planetGenesis 1.5 Server Time
22 Dec 2024 03:34:15 EST (-0500)
  planetGenesis 1.5 (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: David Burnett
Subject: planetGenesis 1.5
Date: 19 Jul 2005 13:54:06
Message: <42dd3e3e$1@news.povray.org>
After a brief flurry of activity I've actually got around to creating a 
new release of planetGenesis.

planetGenesis is a Planet and Terrain generator written in Java. It 
generates 16 bit greyscale PNG bitmap textures as a basis for 
displacement for planetary bodies and terrains, POV-Ray and Wavefront 
meshes and Terrgen .ter files.

The changes from version 1.4 are...

  New Noises
  - Solid Worley

  New improvements
  - There's now a copy option for noise engines
  - The mouse pointer is now context sensitive

It's available from all the usual places, well Sourceforge at

The home page for pG is http://planetgenesis.sf.net


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