POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : planetGenesis 1.4 Server Time
22 Dec 2024 08:00:00 EST (-0500)
  planetGenesis 1.4 (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: David Burnett
Subject: planetGenesis 1.4
Date: 27 Dec 2004 16:40:33
Message: <41d08151$1@news.povray.org>
planetGenesis 1.4 is a java based terrain generator
that create 16bit PNG greyscale height fields and
povray meshes, along with wavefront meshes and
terragen ter files.
It also generates bitmaps suitable for uv mapped
sphere's and displaced  spherical meshes useful
for planets, asteroids, boulders etc.

New planetGenesis 1.4 features...

New Noises
- Cell Basis
- Random Spline Patch
- Spline Fault
- Smooth Fault
- Crater

New Functions
- Craterize
- Erode
- Rotate
- Terrace

New improvements
- Save files now include the output settings
- You can run planetGenesis in batch mode using a --batch <filename> 
   E.g. java -jar planetGenesis.jar --batch pGFile.pG 
- RFE 963288 Help option in main menu  
- RFE 941300 "Ok" button in terrain dialogue 

planetGenesis requires a java 1.4 runtime. Java 3D is
required for the preview function, but pG should run without.

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