POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : New version: QTPov Editor v0.3.3 Server Time
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  New version: QTPov Editor v0.3.3 (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: gRRosminet
Subject: New version: QTPov Editor v0.3.3
Date: 14 May 2004 10:50:21
Message: <40a4dcad$1@news.povray.org>
New version: QTPov Editor v0.3.3

QTPov Editor v0.3.3 has been published

This release is available as source tarball and binaries. There are no 
new ressources.

Changes :
* managing "select all" with Ctrl + A
* managing Ctrl + Arrow
* managing Ctrl + Backspace
* managing Ctrl + Delete
* managing Ctrl + MAJ + Arrow
* Alt + Left/Right to move between tabs
* right-clicking on declaration not in "local declarations" opens the 
file containing the declaration and then jump to it in this file.
* automaticaly jumps to "ouput" tab on error and scroll to bottom
* added pushbutton named "all" in Preferences=>Editor Font to set the 
font to all the variants of syntax highlightning
* time elapsed since you pressed "start" is displayed in the status bar
* added bookmarks feature (ALT+B to bookmark, ALT+N to go to next bookmark)
* added comment selected line(s) feature (ALT+C to comment, ALT+U to 
* enhanced declarations list :
      - added sort order selector (declaration order,declaration type & 
order, declaration type & name,declaration name)
      - added group by file / declaration
      - added #local listing
      - added filters to choose what to display : #L, #D, #M
* added extended contextual menu on editor :
      - comment / uncomment
      - bookmarks
      - find "word_under_cursor" in declarations list
* better managment of splitter position

Thanks for your support

Downloads :
sources : 
binaries : 

Supporting my project :

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From: Dennis Miller
Subject: Re: New version: QTPov Editor v0.3.3
Date: 14 May 2004 23:38:49
Message: <40a590c9$1@news.povray.org>
What is it? Linux only?

"gRRosminet" <pov### [at] les-charlesnet> wrote in message
> New version: QTPov Editor v0.3.3
> QTPov Editor v0.3.3 has been published
> This release is available as source tarball and binaries. There are no
> new ressources.
> Changes :
> * managing "select all" with Ctrl + A
> * managing Ctrl + Arrow
> * managing Ctrl + Backspace
> * managing Ctrl + Delete
> * managing Ctrl + MAJ + Arrow
> * Alt + Left/Right to move between tabs
> * right-clicking on declaration not in "local declarations" opens the
> file containing the declaration and then jump to it in this file.
> * automaticaly jumps to "ouput" tab on error and scroll to bottom
> * added pushbutton named "all" in Preferences=>Editor Font to set the
> font to all the variants of syntax highlightning
> * time elapsed since you pressed "start" is displayed in the status bar
> * added bookmarks feature (ALT+B to bookmark, ALT+N to go to next
> * added comment selected line(s) feature (ALT+C to comment, ALT+U to
> uncomment)
> * enhanced declarations list :
>       - added sort order selector (declaration order,declaration type &
> order, declaration type & name,declaration name)
>       - added group by file / declaration
>       - added #local listing
>       - added filters to choose what to display : #L, #D, #M
> * added extended contextual menu on editor :
>       - comment / uncomment
>       - bookmarks
>       - find "word_under_cursor" in declarations list
> * better managment of splitter position
> Thanks for your support
> Downloads :
> sources :
> binaries :
> Supporting my project :
> http://sourceforge.net/donate/index.php?group_id=92021

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From: gRRosminet
Subject: Re: New version: QTPov Editor v0.3.3
Date: 15 May 2004 04:43:46
Message: <40a5d842$1@news.povray.org>
QTPov Editor is a Povray SDL editor for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.

Major features:

     * Syntax coloration
     * Brackets highlight (including <,>)
     * automatic / manual tabulation system
     * completion system (with both keywords and declarations/macros)
     * declarations / macros listing
     * included files parsing ( to get declarations and macros )
     * ini editor
     * ini profile assistant
     * scene rendering via .ini files

You can found more on the official website : 


Dennis Miller wrote:
> What is it? Linux only?
> best,
> .d
> "gRRosminet" <pov### [at] les-charlesnet> wrote in message
> news:40a4dcad$1@news.povray.org...
>>New version: QTPov Editor v0.3.3
>>QTPov Editor v0.3.3 has been published
>>This release is available as source tarball and binaries. There are no
>>new ressources.
>>Changes :
>>* managing "select all" with Ctrl + A
>>* managing Ctrl + Arrow
>>* managing Ctrl + Backspace
>>* managing Ctrl + Delete
>>* managing Ctrl + MAJ + Arrow
>>* Alt + Left/Right to move between tabs
>>* right-clicking on declaration not in "local declarations" opens the
>>file containing the declaration and then jump to it in this file.
>>* automaticaly jumps to "ouput" tab on error and scroll to bottom
>>* added pushbutton named "all" in Preferences=>Editor Font to set the
>>font to all the variants of syntax highlightning
>>* time elapsed since you pressed "start" is displayed in the status bar
>>* added bookmarks feature (ALT+B to bookmark, ALT+N to go to next
> bookmark)
>>* added comment selected line(s) feature (ALT+C to comment, ALT+U to
>>* enhanced declarations list :
>>      - added sort order selector (declaration order,declaration type &
>>order, declaration type & name,declaration name)
>>      - added group by file / declaration
>>      - added #local listing
>>      - added filters to choose what to display : #L, #D, #M
>>* added extended contextual menu on editor :
>>      - comment / uncomment
>>      - bookmarks
>>      - find "word_under_cursor" in declarations list
>>* better managment of splitter position
>>Thanks for your support
>>Downloads :
>>sources :
> http://qtpoveditor.sourceforge.net/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=6
>>binaries :
> http://qtpoveditor.sourceforge.net/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=7
>>Supporting my project :

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From: Warp
Subject: Re: New version: QTPov Editor v0.3.3
Date: 15 May 2004 08:20:33
Message: <40a60b11@news.povray.org>
gRRosminet <pov### [at] les-charlesnet> wrote:
> QTPov Editor is a Povray SDL editor for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.

  So it doesn't work in any other unix OS?

#macro N(D)#if(D>99)cylinder{M()#local D=div(D,104);M().5,2pigment{rgb M()}}
N(D)#end#end#macro M()<mod(D,13)-6mod(div(D,13)8)-3,10>#end blob{
N(11117333955)N(4254934330)N(3900569407)N(7382340)N(3358)N(970)}//  - Warp -

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From: gRRosminet
Subject: Re: New version: QTPov Editor v0.3.3
Date: 15 May 2004 09:42:38
Message: <40a61e4e$1@news.povray.org>
If you can compile QT 3.2 or later, it should work

Warp wrote:
> gRRosminet <pov### [at] les-charlesnet> wrote:
>>QTPov Editor is a Povray SDL editor for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
>   So it doesn't work in any other unix OS?

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