POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : New modeler Silo now links/exports to POV-ray Server Time
14 Mar 2025 03:27:28 EDT (-0400)
  New modeler Silo now links/exports to POV-ray (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Tom Plewe, Nevercenter
Subject: New modeler Silo now links/exports to POV-ray
Date: 24 Nov 2003 14:55:44
Message: <3fc26240@news.povray.org>
Hi POV-ray users,
    I thought I'd drop you a note about our modeler Silo and its new ability
to export to .pov files as well as to link to POV-ray for direct renders.
We'd love it if you'd spread the news to the POV-ray community.  Feel free
to contact us if you have any questions at inf### [at] nevercentercom.  Thanks for
making POV-ray a great product!

Tom Plewe

      November 24th, 2003

      Silo 1.16 Released!
      Nevercenter Ltd. Co. is proud to announce the release of Silo 1.16,
which now includes support for linking to Renderman-compliant renderers and
POV-ray for direct rendering from Silo.  Options include the ability to add
header and footer files to the render file, and the ability to optionally
include or exclude light, camera, and material information.

      Also new to 1.16 are such improvements as a more advanced universal
manipulator and manipulator options, as well as some tool enhancements and
workflow improvements.  Silo continues to be updated and improved at a
breakneck pace.

      Visit our site now (www.nevercenter.com) to download the latest
version of Silo.  Users who have purchased Silo get the upgrade for free,
and will continue to get all version 1.x upgrades for free.  Those who have
not yet purchased the software can try the free 40-use demo included with
the full version, and buy the full version at our online store for just

      Stay tuned for our next release, which will be concurrent with the
release of our plugin SDK for ultimate toolset customizability.

      "Silo is probably the best 100 bucks I've spent on software in a long
time... I'm using it to build characters for our next game even now."

      -James Edwards, Lead Animator/3D Artist, Digital Extremes (makers of
Unreal Tournament)

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