POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : German book on plant modelling with POV-Ray images Server Time
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  German book on plant modelling with POV-Ray images (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Gilles Tran
Subject: German book on plant modelling with POV-Ray images
Date: 11 Feb 2003 13:32:46
Message: <3e4941ce@news.povray.org>
For the German-speaking people, Oliver Deussen's book about digital plant
modelling is now available.
This book contains several full-page colour plates of some of the images I
did with Xfrog and POV-Ray in 2002-2003. They're not on my website yet, but
they can be seen in the xfrog and zazzle websites (do a search with "xfrog"
on the zazzle site).

Computergenerierte Pflanzen - Technik und Design digitaler Pflanzenwelten
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Januar 2003

A English version is planned.


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