Dunno if this is a valid submission or not.
has been used as a book cover:
If the publisher keeps to their word, their should be the pov-ray url
(www.povray.org) and the irtc url in the acknowledgments.
(actually, I can't remember if I specified both or not)
#macro A(V,B,C,R)#while(B-256)#if(V-128/B>=0)sphere{0,.5translate<C-4R-1,9>
pigment{rgb<1-C/8R/2C/8>}}#local V=V-128/B;#end#local B=B*2;#local C=C+1;#
end#end A(234,1,0,2)A(85,1,0,1)A(81,1,0,0)light_source{-5 1}//Tom Melly
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Oops, only just spotted this.
Sounds like a caching problem (on your isp), butwhaddaiknow?
"Chris Cason" <new### [at] delete this povray org> wrote in message
> "Tom Melly" <tom### [at] tomandlu co uk> wrote in message
> > http://www.tomandlu.co.uk/webres/raytracing/gallery/pics/tmworld.jpg
> > has been used as a book cover:
> For some strange reason, that image always stalls about 4/5'ths of the way
> when I try to view it from here ... this has happened several times over the
> of a week (at least 7 attempts IIRC).
> But I can fetch it OK from the POV server ... go figure ;(
> -- Chris
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