POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : Y.A.P.R.M. 0.7.1 released : Re: Y.A.P.R.M. 0.7.1 released Server Time
16 Jan 2025 17:23:37 EST (-0500)
  Re: Y.A.P.R.M. 0.7.1 released  
From: Alil
Date: 3 Mar 2011 18:05:00
Message: <web.4d701e6fd73c51aaa0d95bd80@news.povray.org>
Hallo Reinhard,

I spent now about 3 hours on the stuff I had with mingw. I must say I was pretty
far. Until at a certain point everthing stopped working and I don't know why.
however I learned that I just need to add 2 additinal libraries all other stuff
is coverd by gtkmm or yaprm already. So tomorrow I'll check how far I get with
visual studio express. Any tips tips for me how I should start are warmly


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