POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : How to Mac-heads compile images into animations? Server Time
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  How to Mac-heads compile images into animations? (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: gregjohn
Subject: How to Mac-heads compile images into animations?
Date: 24 Mar 2012 21:10:00
Message: <web.4f6e7030f069ec09be23d2870@news.povray.org>
I looked at TMPGenc, and wasn't sure if it were still free.

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From: Patrick Elliott
Subject: Re: How to Mac-heads compile images into animations?
Date: 25 Mar 2012 22:44:10
Message: <4f6fd7fa@news.povray.org>
On 3/24/2012 6:09 PM, gregjohn wrote:
> I looked at TMPGenc, and wasn't sure if it were still free.

Well, it is, I think. The problem is it is no longer being properly bug 
fixed, since they have the full on editing suite now. This wouldn't be a 
huge deal, except that they admit that one *huge* bug in the free one is 
that the encoder doesn't actually work correctly, and a) you *will* get 
sound desyncs, and b) it doesn't support the sort of resolutions that 
you might actually want to be using it with (for example, trying to 
produce HD video, or even DVD quality.

I discovered both while trying to convert a real video to a different 
format, wondered why the result both looked like crap, and the sound 
would half a second or more out of sync with the video, and then read, 
in the process of trying to figure it out, that it simply couldn't 
manage what I was asking it to do.

For "testing" I think it still OK, but.. if you want to do production... 
obviously it just doesn't cut it anymore, and due to the known encoder 
bug, never really did.

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From: gregjohn
Subject: Re: How to Mac-heads compile images into animations?
Date: 26 Mar 2012 12:20:01
Message: <web.4f70966071bbb4147b8a80e0@news.povray.org>
Patrick Elliott <sel### [at] npgcablecom> wrote:

> For "testing" I think it still OK, but.. if you want to do production...
> obviously it just doesn't cut it anymore, and due to the known encoder
> bug, never really did.

Okay, the stupid question here is: all I want to do is turn a stack of bitmaps
into some kind of widely-usable video. Do the bugs you describe impair this
function?   What is this process called?-- I remember 10-15 years ago trying to
BUY an off-the-shelf software to do this, and couldn't find one.

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From: Drakonis
Subject: Re: How to Mac-heads compile images into animations?
Date: 26 Mar 2012 12:40:00
Message: <web.4f709b8f71bbb41f281f53a0@news.povray.org>
"gregjohn" <pte### [at] yahoocom> wrote:
> Patrick Elliott <sel### [at] npgcablecom> wrote:
> Okay, the stupid question here is: all I want to do is turn a stack of bitmaps
> into some kind of widely-usable video. Do the bugs you describe impair this
> function?   What is this process called?-- I remember 10-15 years ago trying to
> BUY an off-the-shelf software to do this, and couldn't find one.

Well, 15+ years ago I too couldn't find anything so I wrote my own, and posted
it as $10 USD Shareware (it was an image-to-QuickTime-movie maker called
"MooVer")... but life-and-OS-tectonics have shifted, and I am now relying
completely on the wonderful solid shareware utility "GraphicConverter":

I would highly recommend it, for all sorts of wild-file-format open/convert
tasks.  Its user interface is a little bit funky, ala swiss-army-knife, but I've
been a happy customer for 15 years.  It is how all my POV-Ray animated videos
are done these days.  I output PNGs from (Mega) POV-Ray, then post-convert them
to movie sequences using GraphicConverter.  Then I load everything up into Final
Cut to edit, title, and add my music.

I have heard that Final Cut can assemble a sequence of images directly into
movie frames (but haven't done it yet), so if you already have Final Cut, there
are YouTube tutorials that show how to do it.

Looking forward to your movies!

POV-Ray Mac Developer - Emeritus

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