Here is a clip wishing a Merry Christmas, thinking about New Year...
<http://eureka.atari.org/pacman.mov> in QuickTime format
<http://eureka.atari.org/pacman.mp4> in MPEG4 format
<http://eureka.atari.org/pacman.ogg> in OGG Vorbis format
The Pac-Man character that is present, was 40 years old in 2020,
and was built on my ATARI computers long time ago. All the scene
was designed on these machines. But it was rendered with POV-Ray
on Macintosh, and realized with QuickTime. MP4 and OGG formats,
thanks to `ffmpeg` under MacPorts.
I wish that it will remind you about past, and hope for the future =)
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)
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