POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : [Q] POV-Ray in command line : Re: [Q] POV-Ray in command line Server Time
13 Oct 2024 00:00:20 EDT (-0400)
  Re: [Q] POV-Ray in command line  
From: Francois LE COAT
Date: 27 Jun 2021 17:11:34
Message: <60d8e986$1@news.povray.org>

BayashiPascal writes:
> Francois LE COAT wrote:
>> If you read the comment from the NASA about the 8th flight of Ingenuit
>> <https://mars.nasa.gov/technology/helicopter/status/308>
>> you understand that there was no color camera acquisition for the 7th
>> and the 8th flight on Mars. This was due to the incident on the 6th
>> flight, and a conflict between acquisition of the two embedded cameras
>> Let's hope for subsequent flights of the helicopter, that NASA has fix
>> the horodating problem. Let's hope we will have a color video from Mar
> Well done ! :-)
> I hope too there will be colors for the next videos.

Oh, yes! We could only see static colors images for the moment. If it
moved, we could better have a representation of Ingenuity's motion.

> Your system seems to work quite well. Do you have the data for the actu
> trajectory and can you quantify the accuracy of your reconstructed traj
ectory ?

I have no "ground truth" about how the camera moves. NASA has data from
various sensors, because there is an IMU that is embedded. The comment
is explaining for the sixth flight, that those sensors are drifting...
If the navigation system relied on the IMU alone, it would not be very
accurate in the long run: Errors would quickly accumulate, and the
helicopter would eventually lose its way. To maintain better accuracy
over time, the IMU-based estimates are nominally corrected on a regular
basis, and this is where Ingenuity’s navigation camera comes in. 
For the
majority of time airborne, the downward-looking navcams are taking 30
pictures a second of the Martian surface and immediately feeding them
into the helicopter’s navigation system.
" <https://mars.nasa.gov/technology/helicopter/status/305>

Here's my result on 8th flight <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRUh37x

> Are you working directly with the Ingenuity team, or just using their p
> data ?

I'm using public data. And those are extracted from real Mars data
acquired with the helicopter. NASA is not transmitting videos with
30 images/second. I have to deal with it. This is fantastic to work
on martian images, nevertheless :-)

> Bonne continuation :-)

Thanks for your interest.

> Pascal

Best regards,

François LE COAT

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