POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : [Q] POV-Ray in command line : Re: [Q] POV-Ray in command line Server Time
10 Sep 2024 14:52:48 EDT (-0400)
  Re: [Q] POV-Ray in command line  
From: Francois LE COAT
Date: 18 Feb 2021 11:45:17
Message: <602e999d$1@news.povray.org>

I've completed the WEB page I mentioned. This image processing is
applied to a drone flying in Vosges a few days ago. I was thinking about
to apply the same computations with the flight of Ingenuity on Mars...


The autonomous drone is landing today, and we'll have video sequences =

Francois LE COAT writes:
> I had a talk with Bald Eagle, that is present in this newsgroup, about
> the transformations of POV-Ray, in order to render all the eight
> parameters I'm obtaining. I could also use OpenGL, because it may be
> more appropriate for "real-time". But POV-Ray is more realistic, and
> will be more and more convenient for "real-time" photographic rendering
> The WEB page that I mentioned will be modified, because it doesn't
> represent all what I wanted to explain about what I'm doing.
> All this is written in C/C++ using POV-Ray and OpenCV, but I also use
> shell scripts, mainly `tcsh`. And I use extensively the macOS Macports
> environment, that allows to use `xv`, ImageMagick, `ffmpeg` etc. And
> of course POV-Ray and OpenCV library, regularly updated.
> All of this would be totally impossible to develop without the Unix
> environment, simply. It also works under GNU/Linux, with the same tools
> BayashiPascal writes:
>> Francois LE COAT wrote:
>> Thank you very much for the web page, it looks like a very interesting
>> research project.
>>> POV-Ray is totally appropriate to show what I'm doing, because it can

>>> represent the eight parameters I'm obtaining from the camera movement
>> Sure, Pov-ray can do that perfectly. What I meant was another renderin
g engine
>> could also do it as well, while avoiding the problem you face with Pov
-ray. For
>> example a graphic library integrated to what you're using to launch th
e Pov-ray
>> instances would avoid creating those 2000 external processes to run Po
v-ray. In
>> a previous comment you were writing "pac%04d.png", maybe you're using 
the C
>> programming language to generate the Pov-ray scripts and launch there 
>> In that case, using a graphic library like, for example, OpenGL to ren
der images
>> directly in the C program instead of using Pov-ray would allow you to 
get the
>> same result while avoiding the problem encountered with Pov-ray.
>> But, I still do not understand completely your constraints and I shall
 no go
>> further with hypothesis.
>> Anyway, bonne chance in your research ! :-)
>> Francois LE COAT wrote:
>>> To explain what I'm doing I've done a WEB page that is not yet finish
>>> <https://hebergement.universite-paris-saclay.fr/lecoat/demoweb/tempor
>>> POV-Ray is totally appropriate to show what I'm doing, because it can

>>> represent the eight parameters I'm obtaining from the camera movement
>>> I obtain the eight:
>>> - Tx horizontal translation
>>> - Ty vertical translation
>>> - Tz depth translation
>>> - Rx pitch angle
>>> - Ry yaw angle
>>> - Rz roll angle
>>> - Sx horizontal shear angle
>>> - Sy vertical shear angle
>>> and POV-Ray can represent those all. This already have been discussed
>>> <news://povray.advanced-users> because I'm modelling the 3D motion.
>>> The issue here, is just to make POV-Ray quiet when I'm rendering...

Thanks for your help.




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