Rune wrote:
> Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:
>> What type of format does the drive use? This happens only if it has no
>> proper name under Mac OS X because it is formatted as something else (like
>> FAT32).
> Indeed these are formattet as NTFS (Get Info says "NTFS-3g (MacFUSE)"
> specifically). I need this as I am using the drives for both Mac and Windows. I
> guess I am just out of luck?
No, not really...
it depends on how much convenience you need, or basically how often you
mount/unmount the disk. Given Mac OS X mounting is Unix-style, you can
control it much better than on Windows. Essentially, you should be able to
use either symlinks or renaming of the volume to get it fixed every time it
is mounted. This task can then be automated if you know enough about Unix
(sorry, I don't know more than that it can be done this way).
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