> Pssstttt.... j'ai rien dis mais .... oublie pas le [FR] ;-)
> (je sais... speedy gonzales de la news... il a pas le temps ... ;-) )
Oops !
From a message sent by Txemi Jendrix
from a message sent by Draven From
avec tous pleins de nouvelles fonction qu'ils disent !
Site Anglais
Some version 2.8 features include:
Array feature
Spline formed text creator
Light and camera placement and specification
sPatch Export Plug-ins support
Background images (rotoscopes) support
Animation Master (.mdl) models
sPatch (.spt) models
Internal POV-Ray material editor
Settings for MegaPOV post process features
New version 2.8 features include:
New menu option Multi Object allows for:
Type-in Translation of multiple objects
Type-in Scaling of multiple objects
Type-in Rotation of multiple objects
Shift Position option for multiple objects
New tool under Patch toolbar Knife
New tool under Patch toolbar Hand Select Curve
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