POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.international.binaries : [int] pov-monde : Re: [int][pt] pov-monde Server Time
17 Sep 2024 14:33:00 EDT (-0400)
  Re: [int][pt] pov-monde  
From: Fabien Mosen
Date: 31 Oct 2001 17:51:09
Message: <3BE07FC2.1D5F5CA8@skynet.be>
Ruy wrote:
> "Martial" <mar### [at] chellofr> escreveu na mensagem
> news:3bdfd8ad@news.povray.org...
> > Pour Adrien and Povusers of the world.... plus bleu
> Nice concept, I like it. One question: how did you guys arrive at this
> world/funnel/eyes idea for an international logo? Is it intended to have any
> particular meaning or is the design purely incidental?

Don't know about other places, but, for us, the funnel has a meaning
of "crazy".  I made it quickly to have something to display, and
it's mostly incidental, just meant to be funny.


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