Same thing with Claude:
Python: first try
# Red-Black Tree implementation using arrays
# Colors: RED = True, BLACK = False
# Each node is represented as a tuple in the array:
# (key, color, parent_index, left_child_index, right_child_index)
# NIL nodes are represented by -1 index
def create_tree():
# Initialize empty tree with just a NIL root
tree = []
# Add NIL node (key=None, color=BLACK, parent=-1, left=-1, right=-1)
tree.append((None, False, -1, -1, -1))
return tree
def is_nil(tree, index):
return index == -1 or index == 0
def get_root_index(tree):
# Root is at index 1 if it exists, otherwise -1
return 1 if len(tree) > 1 else -1
def left_rotate(tree, x_index):
# Get node x and its right child y
x_key, x_color, x_parent, x_left, x_right = tree[x_index]
y_index = x_right
if is_nil(tree, y_index):
return # Can't rotate if right child is NIL
y_key, y_color, y_parent, y_left, y_right = tree[y_index]
# Turn y's left subtree into x's right subtree
tree[x_index] = (x_key, x_color, x_parent, x_left, y_left)
if not is_nil(tree, y_left):
# Update parent of y's left child
y_left_key, y_left_color, _, y_left_left, y_left_right = tree[y_left]
tree[y_left] = (y_left_key, y_left_color, x_index, y_left_left,
# Link y's parent to x's parent
tree[y_index] = (y_key, y_color, x_parent, x_index, y_right)
# Link x's parent to y
if is_nil(tree, x_parent):
# x was the root
parent_key, parent_color, parent_parent, parent_left, parent_right =
if x_index == parent_left:
tree[x_parent] = (parent_key, parent_color, parent_parent, y_index,
tree[x_parent] = (parent_key, parent_color, parent_parent,
parent_left, y_index)
# Put x on y's left
tree[x_index] = (x_key, x_color, y_index, x_left, y_left)
def right_rotate(tree, y_index):
# Get node y and its left child x
y_key, y_color, y_parent, y_left, y_right = tree[y_index]
x_index = y_left
if is_nil(tree, x_index):
return # Can't rotate if left child is NIL
x_key, x_color, x_parent, x_left, x_right = tree[x_index]
# Turn x's right subtree into y's left subtree
tree[y_index] = (y_key, y_color, y_parent, x_right, y_right)
if not is_nil(tree, x_right):
# Update parent of x's right child
x_right_key, x_right_color, _, x_right_left, x_right_right =
tree[x_right] = (x_right_key, x_right_color, y_index, x_right_left,
# Link x's parent to y's parent
tree[x_index] = (x_key, x_color, y_parent, x_left, y_index)
# Link y's parent to x
if is_nil(tree, y_parent):
# y was the root
parent_key, parent_color, parent_parent, parent_left, parent_right =
if y_index == parent_left:
tree[x_parent] = (parent_key, parent_color, parent_parent, x_index,
tree[x_parent] = (parent_key, parent_color, parent_parent,
parent_left, x_index)
# Put y on x's right
tree[y_index] = (y_key, y_color, x_index, x_right, y_right)
def rb_insert_fixup(tree, z_index):
while True:
# Get z's parent
_, _, z_parent, _, _ = tree[z_index]
if is_nil(tree, z_parent):
# z is the root
# Get z's parent's info
_, parent_color, parent_parent, _, _ = tree[z_parent]
if not parent_color: # Parent is BLACK
# If we're here, parent is RED
# Get grandparent info
_, _, grandparent_parent, grandparent_left, grandparent_right =
# Check if parent is left or right child of grandparent
if z_parent == grandparent_left:
y_index = grandparent_right # y is z's uncle
if not is_nil(tree, y_index) and tree[y_index][1]: # Uncle is RED
# Case 1: z's uncle y is red
# Make parent and uncle BLACK
parent_key, _, parent_parent, parent_left, parent_right =
tree[z_parent] = (parent_key, False, parent_parent, parent_left,
y_key, _, y_parent, y_left, y_right = tree[y_index]
tree[y_index] = (y_key, False, y_parent, y_left, y_right)
# Make grandparent RED
grandparent_key, _, grandparent_parent, grandparent_left,
grandparent_right = tree[parent_parent]
tree[parent_parent] = (grandparent_key, True,
grandparent_parent, grandparent_left, grandparent_right)
# Move z to grandparent and continue
z_index = parent_parent
# Uncle is BLACK or NIL
if z_index == parent_right:
# Case 2: z is a right child
z_index = z_parent
left_rotate(tree, z_index)
_, _, z_parent, _, _ = tree[z_index]
# Case 3: z is a left child
parent_key, _, parent_parent, parent_left, parent_right =
tree[z_parent] = (parent_key, False, parent_parent, parent_left,
grandparent_key, _, grandparent_parent, grandparent_left,
grandparent_right = tree[parent_parent]
tree[parent_parent] = (grandparent_key, True,
grandparent_parent, grandparent_left, grandparent_right)
right_rotate(tree, parent_parent)
# Mirror image of above
y_index = grandparent_left # y is z's uncle
if not is_nil(tree, y_index) and tree[y_index][1]: # Uncle is RED
# Case 1: z's uncle y is red
# Make parent and uncle BLACK
parent_key, _, parent_parent, parent_left, parent_right =
tree[z_parent] = (parent_key, False, parent_parent, parent_left,
y_key, _, y_parent, y_left, y_right = tree[y_index]
tree[y_index] = (y_key, False, y_parent, y_left, y_right)
# Make grandparent RED
grandparent_key, _, grandparent_parent, grandparent_left,
grandparent_right = tree[parent_parent]
tree[parent_parent] = (grandparent_key, True,
grandparent_parent, grandparent_left, grandparent_right)
# Move z to grandparent and continue
z_index = parent_parent
# Uncle is BLACK or NIL
if z_index == parent_left:
# Case 2: z is a left child
z_index = z_parent
right_rotate(tree, z_index)
_, _, z_parent, _, _ = tree[z_index]
# Case 3: z is a right child
parent_key, _, parent_parent, parent_left, parent_right =
tree[z_parent] = (parent_key, False, parent_parent, parent_left,
grandparent_key, _, grandparent_parent, grandparent_left,
grandparent_right = tree[parent_parent]
tree[parent_parent] = (grandparent_key, True,
grandparent_parent, grandparent_left, grandparent_right)
left_rotate(tree, parent_parent)
# Make root black
root_index = get_root_index(tree)
if not is_nil(tree, root_index):
root_key, _, root_parent, root_left, root_right = tree[root_index]
tree[root_index] = (root_key, False, root_parent, root_left, root_right)
def rb_insert(tree, key):
# Create a new node
new_node_index = len(tree)
# Initially colored RED, with NIL children
tree.append((key, True, -1, 0, 0))
# Find the correct position for the new node
y_index = 0 # NIL
x_index = get_root_index(tree)
while not is_nil(tree, x_index):
y_index = x_index
x_key, _, _, x_left, x_right = tree[x_index]
if key < x_key:
x_index = x_left
x_index = x_right
# Set parent of the new node
tree[new_node_index] = (key, True, y_index, 0, 0)
# Insert the new node as a child of y
if is_nil(tree, y_index):
# Tree was empty, new node is the root
y_key, y_color, y_parent, y_left, y_right = tree[y_index]
if key < y_key:
tree[y_index] = (y_key, y_color, y_parent, new_node_index, y_right)
tree[y_index] = (y_key, y_color, y_parent, y_left, new_node_index)
# Fix the red-black properties
rb_insert_fixup(tree, new_node_index)
def rb_search(tree, key):
x_index = get_root_index(tree)
while not is_nil(tree, x_index):
x_key, _, _, x_left, x_right = tree[x_index]
if key == x_key:
return x_index
elif key < x_key:
x_index = x_left
x_index = x_right
return -1 # Key not found
def inorder_traverse(tree, node_index, result):
if is_nil(tree, node_index):
node_key, node_color, _, node_left, node_right = tree[node_index]
inorder_traverse(tree, node_left, result)
result.append((node_key, "RED" if node_color else "BLACK"))
inorder_traverse(tree, node_right, result)
def print_tree(tree):
result = []
root_index = get_root_index(tree)
inorder_traverse(tree, root_index, result)
return result
# Example usage
def example():
tree = create_tree()
# Insert some values
for key in [10, 20, 30, 15, 25, 5, 35]:
rb_insert(tree, key)
# Search for a key
found_index = rb_search(tree, 15)
if found_index != -1:
print(f"Found key 15 at index {found_index}")
print("Key 15 not found")
# Print the tree in order
print("Inorder traversal (with colors):")
result = print_tree(tree)
for key, color in result:
print(f"{key} ({color})")
if __name__ == "__main__":
POV-Ray: first try
// Red-Black Tree implementation in POV-Ray using macros
// Colors: RED = 1, BLACK = 0
// Global arrays to store the tree
// Each node contains: key, color, parent_index, left_child_index,
#declare TreeSize = 100; // Maximum size of the tree
#declare TreeKeys = array[TreeSize];
#declare TreeColors = array[TreeSize];
#declare TreeParents = array[TreeSize];
#declare TreeLefts = array[TreeSize];
#declare TreeRights = array[TreeSize];
#declare TreeCount = 1; // Start at 1 because 0 is reserved for NIL
// Initialize the tree with a NIL node at index 0
#macro InitTree()
#declare TreeKeys[0] = -1; // NIL key (arbitrary value)
#declare TreeColors[0] = 0; // NIL is BLACK
#declare TreeParents[0] = -1; // NIL parent
#declare TreeLefts[0] = -1; // NIL left
#declare TreeRights[0] = -1; // NIL right
#declare TreeCount = 1; // Reset count to 1
// Check if node is NIL
#macro IsNil(index)
#local result = (index = 0 | index = -1);
// Get the root index
#macro GetRootIndex()
#local result = 1;
#if(TreeCount <= 1)
#local result = -1;
// Left Rotate operation
#macro LeftRotate(x_index)
#local x_key = TreeKeys[x_index];
#local x_color = TreeColors[x_index];
#local x_parent = TreeParents[x_index];
#local x_left = TreeLefts[x_index];
#local x_right = TreeRights[x_index];
#local y_index = x_right;
#local y_key = TreeKeys[y_index];
#local y_color = TreeColors[y_index];
#local y_left = TreeLefts[y_index];
#local y_right = TreeRights[y_index];
// Turn y's left subtree into x's right subtree
#declare TreeRights[x_index] = y_left;
#declare TreeParents[y_left] = x_index;
// Link y's parent to x's parent
#declare TreeParents[y_index] = x_parent;
// Link x's parent to y
// x was the root, do nothing
#if(x_index = TreeLefts[x_parent])
#declare TreeLefts[x_parent] = y_index;
#declare TreeRights[x_parent] = y_index;
// Put x on y's left
#declare TreeLefts[y_index] = x_index;
#declare TreeParents[x_index] = y_index;
// Right Rotate operation
#macro RightRotate(y_index)
#local y_key = TreeKeys[y_index];
#local y_color = TreeColors[y_index];
#local y_parent = TreeParents[y_index];
#local y_left = TreeLefts[y_index];
#local y_right = TreeRights[y_index];
#local x_index = y_left;
#local x_key = TreeKeys[x_index];
#local x_color = TreeColors[x_index];
#local x_left = TreeLefts[x_index];
#local x_right = TreeRights[x_index];
// Turn x's right subtree into y's left subtree
#declare TreeLefts[y_index] = x_right;
#declare TreeParents[x_right] = y_index;
// Link x's parent to y's parent
#declare TreeParents[x_index] = y_parent;
// Link y's parent to x
// y was the root, do nothing
#if(y_index = TreeLefts[y_parent])
#declare TreeLefts[y_parent] = x_index;
#declare TreeRights[y_parent] = x_index;
// Put y on x's right
#declare TreeRights[x_index] = y_index;
#declare TreeParents[y_index] = x_index;
// Fix red-black properties after insertion
#macro RBInsertFixup(z_index)
#local continue_loop = true;
#local z_parent = TreeParents[z_index];
// z is the root
#local continue_loop = false;
#local parent_color = TreeColors[z_parent];
#if(parent_color = 0) // Parent is BLACK
#local continue_loop = false;
// Parent is RED
#local parent_parent = TreeParents[z_parent];
#if(z_parent = TreeLefts[parent_parent]) // Parent is left child
#local y_index = TreeRights[parent_parent]; // Uncle
#if(!IsNil(y_index) & TreeColors[y_index] = 1) // Uncle is
// Case 1: Uncle is red
#declare TreeColors[z_parent] = 0; // Parent -> BLACK
#declare TreeColors[y_index] = 0; // Uncle -> BLACK
#declare TreeColors[parent_parent] = 1; // Grandparent
-> RED
#local z_index = parent_parent;
// Uncle is BLACK or NIL
#if(z_index = TreeRights[z_parent]) // z is right child
// Case 2: z is right child
#local z_index = z_parent;
#local z_parent = TreeParents[z_index];
// Case 3: z is left child
#declare TreeColors[z_parent] = 0; // Parent -> BLACK
#declare TreeColors[parent_parent] = 1; // Grandparent
-> RED
#local continue_loop = false;
#else // Parent is right child
#local y_index = TreeLefts[parent_parent]; // Uncle
#if(!IsNil(y_index) & TreeColors[y_index] = 1) // Uncle is
// Case 1: Uncle is red
#declare TreeColors[z_parent] = 0; // Parent -> BLACK
#declare TreeColors[y_index] = 0; // Uncle -> BLACK
#declare TreeColors[parent_parent] = 1; // Grandparent
-> RED
#local z_index = parent_parent;
// Uncle is BLACK or NIL
#if(z_index = TreeLefts[z_parent]) // z is left child
// Case 2: z is left child
#local z_index = z_parent;
#local z_parent = TreeParents[z_index];
// Case 3: z is right child
#declare TreeColors[z_parent] = 0; // Parent -> BLACK
#declare TreeColors[parent_parent] = 1; // Grandparent
-> RED
#local continue_loop = false;
// Make root black
#local root_index = GetRootIndex();
#declare TreeColors[root_index] = 0;
// Insert a new key into the tree
#macro RBInsert(key)
// Create a new node
#local new_node_index = TreeCount;
#declare TreeCount = TreeCount + 1;
// Initialize node as RED with NIL children
#declare TreeKeys[new_node_index] = key;
#declare TreeColors[new_node_index] = 1; // RED
#declare TreeParents[new_node_index] = -1;
#declare TreeLefts[new_node_index] = 0; // NIL
#declare TreeRights[new_node_index] = 0; // NIL
// Find the correct position for the new node
#local y_index = 0; // NIL
#local x_index = GetRootIndex();
#local y_index = x_index;
#local x_key = TreeKeys[x_index];
#if(key < x_key)
#local x_index = TreeLefts[x_index];
#local x_index = TreeRights[x_index];
// Set parent of the new node
#declare TreeParents[new_node_index] = y_index;
// Insert the new node as a child of y
// Tree was empty, new node is the root
// Do nothing, already set up correctly
#if(key < TreeKeys[y_index])
#declare TreeLefts[y_index] = new_node_index;
#declare TreeRights[y_index] = new_node_index;
// Fix the red-black properties
// Search for a key in the tree
#macro RBSearch(key)
#local found_index = -1;
#local x_index = GetRootIndex();
#while(!IsNil(x_index) & found_index = -1)
#local x_key = TreeKeys[x_index];
#if(key = x_key)
#local found_index = x_index;
#elseif(key < x_key)
#local x_index = TreeLefts[x_index];
#local x_index = TreeRights[x_index];
// Visualization macros
// Draw a single node
#macro DrawNode(index, x, y, z, level)
#local node_radius = 0.2;
#local color_value = rgb <1,0,0>; // RED
#if(TreeColors[index] = 0)
#local color_value = rgb <0,0,0>; // BLACK
sphere {
<x, y, z>, node_radius
pigment { color color_value }
finish {
ambient 0.2
diffuse 0.8
specular 0.5
// Add text for the key value
#local key_str = str(TreeKeys[index], 0, 0);
text {
ttf "arial.ttf", key_str, 0.1, <0, 0, 0>
pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } // White text
scale 0.15
translate <x-0.1, y-0.05, z+node_radius+0.01>
// Draw left child
#local left_index = TreeLefts[index];
#local x_offset = 2.0 / pow(2, level);
#local new_x = x - x_offset;
#local new_y = y - 1;
#local new_z = z;
cylinder {
<x, y, z>, <new_x, new_y, new_z>, 0.03
pigment { color rgb <0.5, 0.5, 0.5> }
DrawNode(left_index, new_x, new_y, new_z, level + 1)
// Draw right child
#local right_index = TreeRights[index];
#local x_offset = 2.0 / pow(2, level);
#local new_x = x + x_offset;
#local new_y = y - 1;
#local new_z = z;
cylinder {
<x, y, z>, <new_x, new_y, new_z>, 0.03
pigment { color rgb <0.5, 0.5, 0.5> }
DrawNode(right_index, new_x, new_y, new_z, level + 1)
// Visualize the entire tree
#macro VisualizeTree()
#local root_index = GetRootIndex();
DrawNode(root_index, 0, 0, 0, 1)
// Print information about a node (for debugging)
#macro PrintNode(index)
#debug concat(
"Node ", str(index, 0, 0), ": ",
"Key=", str(TreeKeys[index], 0, 0), ", ",
"Color=", str(TreeColors[index], 0, 0), ", ",
"Parent=", str(TreeParents[index], 0, 0), ", ",
"Left=", str(TreeLefts[index], 0, 0), ", ",
"Right=", str(TreeRights[index], 0, 0), "\n"
// Example usage in a POV-Ray scene
#macro ExampleTree()
// Insert some values
// Search for a key
#local found_index = RBSearch(15);
#if(found_index != -1)
#debug concat("Found key 15 at index ", str(found_index, 0, 0), "\n")
#debug "Key 15 not found\n"
// Print all nodes
#debug "Tree contents:\n"
#for(i, 1, TreeCount-1)
// Scene setup
camera {
location <0, 0, -10>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
angle 30
light_source {
<5, 5, -10>
color rgb <1, 1, 1>
light_source {
<-5, 5, -10>
color rgb <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>
background { color rgb <1, 1, 1> }
// Run the example
Post a reply to this message
"ingo" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Same thing with Claude:
Just saw that Claude 3.7 is available again and gave it a go with the Claude
3.5 and some touch ups by me. It works, I think after a few tests. Deleting
nodes is not implemented. Also it may need some restructuring by putting things
in arrays that act as record/struct/object:
// Red-Black Tree implementation in POV-Ray using macros
// Colors: RED = 1, BLACK = 0
// Global arrays to store the tree
// Each node contains: key, color, parent_index, left_child_index,
#declare TreeSize = 100; // Maximum size of the tree
#declare TreeKeys = array[TreeSize];
#declare TreeColors = array[TreeSize];
#declare TreeParents = array[TreeSize];
#declare TreeLefts = array[TreeSize];
#declare TreeRights = array[TreeSize];
#declare TreeCount = 1; // Start at 1 because 0 is reserved for NIL
#declare RootIndex = 0; // Track the root index explicitly
// Initialize the tree with a NIL node at index 0
#macro InitTree()
#declare TreeKeys[0] = -1; // NIL key (arbitrary value)
#declare TreeColors[0] = 0; // NIL is BLACK
#declare TreeParents[0] = 0; // NIL parent is itself
#declare TreeLefts[0] = 0; // NIL left is itself
#declare TreeRights[0] = 0; // NIL right is itself
#declare TreeCount = 1; // Reset count to 1
#declare RootIndex = 0; // Empty tree
#debug "Tree initialized\n"
// Check if node is NIL
#macro IsNil(index)
#local result = (index = 0);
// Get the root index
#macro GetRootIndex()
#debug concat("GetRootIndex: ", str(RootIndex, 0, 0), "\n")
// Left Rotate operation
#macro LeftRotate(x_index)
#debug concat("LeftRotate: ", str(x_index, 0, 0), "\n")
#local y_index = TreeRights[x_index];
// Turn Y's left subtree into X's right subtree
#declare TreeRights[x_index] = TreeLefts[y_index];
#declare TreeParents[TreeLefts[y_index]] = x_index;
// Link Y's parent to X's parent
#declare TreeParents[y_index] = TreeParents[x_index];
// Link X's parent to Y
// X was the root, make Y the new root
#declare RootIndex = y_index;
#if(x_index = TreeLefts[TreeParents[x_index]])
#declare TreeLefts[TreeParents[x_index]] = y_index;
#declare TreeRights[TreeParents[x_index]] = y_index;
// Put X on Y's left
#declare TreeLefts[y_index] = x_index;
#declare TreeParents[x_index] = y_index;
// Right Rotate operation
#macro RightRotate(y_index)
#debug concat("RightRotate: ", str(y_index, 0, 0), "\n")
#local x_index = TreeLefts[y_index];
// Turn X's right subtree into Y's left subtree
#declare TreeLefts[y_index] = TreeRights[x_index];
#declare TreeParents[TreeRights[x_index]] = y_index;
// Link X's parent to Y's parent
#declare TreeParents[x_index] = TreeParents[y_index];
// Link Y's parent to X
// Y was the root, make X the new root
#declare RootIndex = x_index;
#if(y_index = TreeLefts[TreeParents[y_index]])
#declare TreeLefts[TreeParents[y_index]] = x_index;
#declare TreeRights[TreeParents[y_index]] = x_index;
// Put Y on X's right
#declare TreeRights[x_index] = y_index;
#declare TreeParents[y_index] = x_index;
// Fix red-black properties after insertion
#macro RBInsertFixup(z_index)
#debug concat("RBInsertFixup: ", str(z_index, 0, 0), "\n")
// Continue fixing while Z's parent is RED
#while(!IsNil(TreeParents[z_index]) & TreeColors[TreeParents[z_index]] = 1)
#if(TreeParents[z_index] = TreeLefts[TreeParents[TreeParents[z_index]]])
// Parent is left child of grandparent
#local y_index = TreeRights[TreeParents[TreeParents[z_index]]]; //
#if(TreeColors[y_index] = 1) // Uncle is RED
// Case 1: Recolor
#declare TreeColors[TreeParents[z_index]] = 0; // Parent to
#declare TreeColors[y_index] = 0; // Uncle to BLACK
#declare TreeColors[TreeParents[TreeParents[z_index]]] = 1; //
Grandparent to RED
#local z_index = TreeParents[TreeParents[z_index]]; // Move up
to grandparent
// Uncle is BLACK
#if(z_index = TreeRights[TreeParents[z_index]]) // Z is right
// Case 2: Z is right child - Convert to Case 3
#local z_index = TreeParents[z_index];
// Case 3: Z is left child
#declare TreeColors[TreeParents[z_index]] = 0; // Parent to
#declare TreeColors[TreeParents[TreeParents[z_index]]] = 1; //
Grandparent to RED
// Parent is right child of grandparent
#local y_index = TreeLefts[TreeParents[TreeParents[z_index]]]; //
#if(TreeColors[y_index] = 1) // Uncle is RED
// Case 1: Recolor
#declare TreeColors[TreeParents[z_index]] = 0; // Parent to
#declare TreeColors[y_index] = 0; // Uncle to BLACK
#declare TreeColors[TreeParents[TreeParents[z_index]]] = 1; //
Grandparent to RED
#local z_index = TreeParents[TreeParents[z_index]]; // Move up
to grandparent
// Uncle is BLACK
#if(z_index = TreeLefts[TreeParents[z_index]]) // Z is left
// Case 2: Z is left child - Convert to Case 3
#local z_index = TreeParents[z_index];
// Case 3: Z is right child
#declare TreeColors[TreeParents[z_index]] = 0; // Parent to
#declare TreeColors[TreeParents[TreeParents[z_index]]] = 1; //
Grandparent to RED
// Make sure root is BLACK
#declare TreeColors[RootIndex] = 0;
// Insert a new key into the tree
#macro RBInsert(key)
#debug concat("RBInsert: ", str(key, 0, 0), "\n")
// Create a new node
#local z_index = TreeCount;
#declare TreeCount = TreeCount + 1;
// Initialize node with RED color
#declare TreeKeys[z_index] = key;
#declare TreeColors[z_index] = 1; // RED
#declare TreeLefts[z_index] = 0; // NIL
#declare TreeRights[z_index] = 0; // NIL
// Find insertion position
#local y_index = 0; // NIL
#local x_index = RootIndex;
#local y_index = x_index;
#if(key < TreeKeys[x_index])
#local x_index = TreeLefts[x_index];
#local x_index = TreeRights[x_index];
// Insert the node
#declare TreeParents[z_index] = y_index;
// Tree was empty
#declare RootIndex = z_index;
#if(key < TreeKeys[y_index])
#declare TreeLefts[y_index] = z_index;
#declare TreeRights[y_index] = z_index;
// Fix the red-black properties
#debug concat("Insert complete for key: ", str(key, 0, 0), "\n")
// Search for a key in the tree
#macro RBSearch(key)
#debug concat("RBSearch: ", str(key, 0, 0), "\n")
#local found_index = -1;
#local x_index = RootIndex;
#while(!IsNil(x_index) & found_index = -1)
#if(key = TreeKeys[x_index])
#local found_index = x_index;
#elseif(key < TreeKeys[x_index])
#local x_index = TreeLefts[x_index];
#local x_index = TreeRights[x_index];
#debug concat("Search result for key ", str(key, 0, 0), ": ",
str(found_index, 0, 0), "\n")
// Print the tree structure for debugging
#macro PrintTree()
#debug "Tree structure:\n"
#debug concat("Root index: ", str(RootIndex, 0, 0), "\n")
#debug concat("Tree count: ", str(TreeCount, 0, 0), "\n")
#local i = 0;
#while(i < TreeCount)
#debug concat("Node ", str(i, 0, 0), ": ")
#debug concat("Key=", str(TreeKeys[i], 0, 0), ", ")
#debug concat("Color=", str(TreeColors[i], 0, 0), ", ")
#debug concat("Parent=", str(TreeParents[i], 0, 0), ", ")
#debug concat("Left=", str(TreeLefts[i], 0, 0), ", ")
#debug concat("Right=", str(TreeRights[i], 0, 0), "\n")
#local i = i + 1;
// Insert some values
#debug "1a\n"
#debug "1b\n"
#debug "1c\n"
#debug "1d\n"
#debug "1e\n"
#debug "1f\n"
#debug "1g\n"
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