POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Discord Server Server Time
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  Discord Server (Message 21 to 30 of 41)  
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From: Saul Luizaga
Subject: Re: Discord Server
Date: 13 Sep 2024 13:54:12
Message: <66e47c44$1@news.povray.org>
On 13/9/2024 13:25, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Saul Luizaga <sau### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> {a lot of stuff}
> Saul, my man:  Chill.

Believe me, I'm chill

> You can make your suggestions and arguments just as well, if not better by
> simply explaining the benefits of what you suggest without raging and lashing
> out against people you don't know with ad hominem attacks.

I did, everyone started going off the point, to give stupid 
justifications for unrelated topics I wasn't referring to, to deny my 
point. I dislike people playing the fool, 'coz is fun to oppose a person 
for the sake of it.

> No one's saying that what you're suggesting is without merit, or telling you
> that you're wrong, opposing you, or looking for an online fight.

I believe you all are, just being buttholes 'coz your boring day just 
got interesting; otherwise you wouldn't be in a contest which one of you 
writes the most butthole opposing comment.

> However; many of us are lucky to get a few hours in a week to code even a single
> scene for our personal enjoyment.

Fine, so don't be on Discord, I don't use it greatly myself, just go 
check for news on several Servers, or to pick some interesting topic, my 
time is short too for personal interests

> If there's a Discord server available for chatting about POV-Ray, then tell us
> about it.   Don't just show up and . . . sow discord.
> - Bill Walker

If there was, I wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't need to tell you 'coz 
it'd be on POV-Ray Community section, which is the proper way to do it, 
it shouldn't be some random person to make the Discord Server, it should 
be made by the people in charge of POV-Ray, like they're in charge of 
the POV-Ray Server.

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From: jr
Subject: Re: Discord Server
Date: 13 Sep 2024 14:10:00
Message: <web.66e47ed53ef3ab14f5bfc9b06cde94f1@news.povray.org>
Saul Luizaga <sau### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> ...
> Oh so you think you can manipulate me into doing a stupid idea that you
> had, to prove a stupid point I wasn't making?
> No matter how clever you think you are posing your stupid idea, is still
> a stupid idea.

I neither started this thread, nor had I heard of Discord.  more .. interweb.

> I mentioned chat you moron, chat, you fuking get it?

(might have read better spellchecked)

> And what's "re" you retard?

short for "regarding".  your conversational English really .. is wanting. ;-)

regards ,jr.

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From: jr
Subject: Re: Discord Server
Date: 13 Sep 2024 14:15:00
Message: <web.66e480d83ef3ab14f5bfc9b06cde94f1@news.povray.org>
Saul Luizaga <sau### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> ... the proper way to do it,
> it shouldn't be some random person to make the Discord Server, it should
> be made by the people in charge of POV-Ray, like they're in charge of
> the POV-Ray Server.

says the person of words.  wanting "someone in charge", not prepared to even do
some work for themselves _and_ the community.  </sigh>

regards, jr.

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From: Saul Luizaga
Subject: Re: Discord Server
Date: 13 Sep 2024 15:04:16
Message: <66e48cb0$1@news.povray.org>
On 13/9/2024 14:05, jr wrote:
> Saul Luizaga <sau### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
>> ...
>> Oh so you think you can manipulate me into doing a stupid idea that you
>> had, to prove a stupid point I wasn't making?
>> No matter how clever you think you are posing your stupid idea, is still
>> a stupid idea.
> I neither started this thread, nor had I heard of Discord.  more .. interweb.
> </shrug>
>> I mentioned chat you moron, chat, you fuking get it?
> (might have read better spellchecked)
>> And what's "re" you retard?
> short for "regarding".  your conversational English really .. is wanting. ;-)
> regards ,jr.

Oh now you're not guilty of anything, know nothing about it and of 
course your lack of reading comprehension is my lack of spellchecking, 
not yours at all whatsoever... not playing the fool at all neither

Oh yeah, I had to ask twice for you to come with the answer to an 
ambiguous 2 letter word. BTW Regarding is like this "Re:" your lack of 
letter composition is... lacking, you Snowflake

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From: Saul Luizaga
Subject: Re: Discord Server
Date: 13 Sep 2024 15:07:50
Message: <66e48d86$1@news.povray.org>
On 13/9/2024 14:13, jr wrote:
> Saul Luizaga <sau### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
>> ... the proper way to do it,
>> it shouldn't be some random person to make the Discord Server, it should
>> be made by the people in charge of POV-Ray, like they're in charge of
>> the POV-Ray Server.
> says the person of words.  wanting "someone in charge", not prepared to even do
> some work for themselves _and_ the community.  </sigh>
> regards, jr.

I'm sorry, that you didn't have a father figure that taught you 
hierarchical order or things in life and people's organizations, but 
yeah that's how the World works better. So you want me to make some work 
while being practically a stranger to this community? what else you're 
being lazy but control remoting people about? Snowflake?

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From: jr
Subject: Re: Discord Server
Date: 13 Sep 2024 15:30:00
Message: <web.66e491a53ef3ab14f5bfc9b06cde94f1@news.povray.org>

Saul Luizaga <sau### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> ...
> Oh now you're not guilty of anything, know nothing about it and of
> course your lack of reading comprehension is my lack of spellchecking,
> not yours at all whatsoever... not playing the fool at all neither

</shrug>  a German might say "Wie man in den Wald ruft, so schallt es heraus".

> Oh yeah, I had to ask twice for you to come with the answer to an
> ambiguous 2 letter word. BTW Regarding is like this "Re:" your lack of
> letter composition is... lacking, you Snowflake

fair comment.  fwiw, I do aim to be consistent in my deviation from the norm.

> > says the person of words.  wanting "someone in charge", not prepared to even do
> > some work for themselves _and_ the community.  </sigh>
> ... So you want me to make some work  while being practically a stranger to this
community? what else you're being la
zy but control remoting people about? Snowflake?

try "rational".  _if_ you had some kind of group set up on ${service}, and got
"usage", then you could come here and ask, with some justification, whether that
group wouldn't be better "housed" in "official" POV-Ray, or linked to, etc.
but, so far, words, ideas only.  well, as the saying goes, "words are cheap".

regards, jr.

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From: Saul Luizaga
Subject: Re: Discord Server
Date: 13 Sep 2024 15:50:31
Message: <66e49787$1@news.povray.org>
On 13/9/2024 15:25, jr wrote:
> hi,
> Saul Luizaga <sau### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
>> ...
>> Oh now you're not guilty of anything, know nothing about it and of
>> course your lack of reading comprehension is my lack of spellchecking,
>> not yours at all whatsoever... not playing the fool at all neither
> </shrug>  a German might say "Wie man in den Wald ruft, so schallt es heraus".
>> Oh yeah, I had to ask twice for you to come with the answer to an
>> ambiguous 2 letter word. BTW Regarding is like this "Re:" your lack of
>> letter composition is... lacking, you Snowflake
> fair comment.  fwiw, I do aim to be consistent in my deviation from the norm.
>>> says the person of words.  wanting "someone in charge", not prepared to even do
>>> some work for themselves _and_ the community.  </sigh>
>> ... So you want me to make some work  while being practically a stranger to this
community? what else you're being la
> zy but control remoting people about? Snowflake?
> try "rational".  _if_ you had some kind of group set up on ${service}, and got
> "usage", then you could come here and ask, with some justification, whether that
> group wouldn't be better "housed" in "official" POV-Ray, or linked to, etc.
> but, so far, words, ideas only.  well, as the saying goes, "words are cheap".
> regards, jr.

A Bolivian would say: no estoy proyectando sobre tí, pobre imbecil

Yeah, you're abnormal and moronic, yet you think you're rational; not 
contradiction at all.

Yeah, I'm not going to work for you for free, Fritz; but you seem to 
know a lot, then why don't you do it? hypocrite Communist

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From: jr
Subject: Re: Discord Server
Date: 13 Sep 2024 17:20:00
Message: <web.66e4abea3ef3ab14f5bfc9b06cde94f1@news.povray.org>

this .. conversation is (by now) somewhat fanciful and well "off-topic", and the
tone decidedly "juvenile" ;-).  a last reply though, I cannot resist :-).

Saul Luizaga <sau### [at] gmailcom> wrote:

> Yeah, you're abnormal and moronic, yet you think you're rational; not
> contradiction at all.
> Yeah, I'm not going to work for you for free, Fritz; but you seem to
> know a lot, then why don't you do it? hypocrite Communist

do you really think that you could create something -- anything -- which would
tempt me to use "social media" ?  "bring it on" </big-grin>

regards, jr.

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From: yesbird
Subject: Re: Discord Server
Date: 13 Sep 2024 18:01:30
Message: <66e4b63a$1@news.povray.org>
On 06/09/2024 22:41, Saul F. Luizaga wrote:
> Why is this not in Discord, a lot more fluid and organized, ...

As I can see Discord is not much popular here, why not to discuss
Telegram usage - it's in the focus of internet community now :)

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From: Saul Luizaga
Subject: Re: Discord Server
Date: 13 Sep 2024 20:10:18
Message: <66e4d46a$1@news.povray.org>
On 13/9/2024 17:17, jr wrote:
> hi.
> this .. conversation is (by now) somewhat fanciful and well "off-topic", and the
> tone decidedly "juvenile" ;-).  a last reply though, I cannot resist :-).
> Saul Luizaga <sau### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
>> A Bolivian would say: no estoy proyectando sobre tí, pobre imbecil
>> Yeah, you're abnormal and moronic, yet you think you're rational; not
>> contradiction at all.
>> Yeah, I'm not going to work for you for free, Fritz; but you seem to
>> know a lot, then why don't you do it? hypocrite Communist
> do you really think that you could create something -- anything -- which would
> tempt me to use "social media" ?  "bring it on" </big-grin>
> regards, jr.

Haha Reverse Psychology? Yes, I created an erection, now suck it and go 
tell your friends on social media

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