Hello folks. I am working on a new building render. I decided to do a project of
rendering the tallest building of each state. I am currently working on a
building in Alaska. The building is simple, for the most part. Now the deal is
it has structures that appear to be black. But since I use black for windows, I
need another color that works and still gives the idea that they are black. I
included a pic with some of the structures circled. I am asking for suggestions
please. (I use gray20 for a quick and dirty asphalt, and gray10 looks like it is
black so as not to notice a difference.) But they also kinda give a hint of
brown. I dunno. I can't quite place the color. what do you think?
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"David Kraics" <bar### [at] aol com> wrote:
> Hello folks. I am working on a new building render. I decided to do a project of
> rendering the tallest building of each state. I am currently working on a
> building in Alaska. The building is simple, for the most part. Now the deal is
> it has structures that appear to be black. But since I use black for windows, I
> need another color that works and still gives the idea that they are black. I
> included a pic with some of the structures circled. I am asking for suggestions
> please. (I use gray20 for a quick and dirty asphalt, and gray10 looks like it is
> black so as not to notice a difference.) But they also kinda give a hint of
> brown. I dunno. I can't quite place the color. what do you think?
You can use a color picker, or load the image into POV-Ray and scan all the
pixels with eval_pigment.
Having seen those institutional buildings up close many times, those are some
sort of powder-coated aluminum, and they are brown.
"koko brown"
Seach: brown metal trim institutional buildings
- BW
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Preview of image 'koko_brown-400x400.jpg'

Le 2024-02-26 à 17:27, David Kraics a écrit :
> Hello folks. I am working on a new building render. I decided to do a project of
> rendering the tallest building of each state. I am currently working on a
> building in Alaska. The building is simple, for the most part. Now the deal is
> it has structures that appear to be black. But since I use black for windows, I
> need another color that works and still gives the idea that they are black. I
> included a pic with some of the structures circled. I am asking for suggestions
> please. (I use gray20 for a quick and dirty asphalt, and gray10 looks like it is
> black so as not to notice a difference.) But they also kinda give a hint of
> brown. I dunno. I can't quite place the color. what do you think?
The colours can be the same, but have different finish.
I'd go for Gray10 for both as you proposed. May also use something
slightly off, like :
rgb<0.11, 0.09, 0.08>
It may also be something like :
rgb 0.15* Brown
The generic brown from color.inc, but made much darker.
The window's frame is somewhat shiny and have subtle reflection, while
the vestibule have a rougher, non-reflective, surface.
So, same pigment for both.
For the window frame, add some fresnel reflection and an interior.
Starting suggestion :
finish{... reflection{1 fresnel}}
interior{ior 1.4} // adjust to your taste
//between 1.3(water) and 1.6 to stay realistic.
Then, give some normal perturbation to the vestibule :
finish{... normal granite 0.3}//may go up to about 0.7
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