This small playground localizes this issue (shifting by Y):
#include "colors.inc"
#version 3.8;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }
// Axis textures
#declare tex_axis_common = texture {
pigment{ rgb <0.70, 0.70, 0.70>}
finish { phong 1 reflection {0.10 metallic 0.4} }}
#declare tex_axis_x = texture {
pigment{ rgb <1.00, 0.00, 0.00>}
finish { phong 1 reflection {0.10 metallic 0.4} }}
#declare tex_axis_y = texture {
pigment{ rgb <0.00, 1.00, 0.00>}
finish { phong 1 reflection {0.10 metallic 0.4} }}
#declare tex_axis_z = texture {
pigment{ rgb <0.00, 0.00, 1.00>}
finish { phong 1 reflection {0.10 metallic 0.4} }}
// Axis
#macro axis( len, rad, tex_odd, tex_even)
cylinder { <0, -len, 0>,<0, len, 0>, rad
texture{ checker texture{ tex_odd } texture{ tex_even }
translate <0.1, 0, 0.1> }}
cone{<0, len, 0>, rad * 2, <0, len + rad * 7, 0>, 0 texture{tex_even}} }
#macro axis_xyz( len_x, len_y, len_z, rad, tex_common, tex_x, tex_y, tex_z)
#if (len_x != 0) object { axis(len_x, rad, tex_common, tex_x) rotate< 0,
0,-90>} #end
#if (len_y != 0) object { axis(len_y, rad, tex_common, tex_y) rotate< 0, 0,
0>} #end
#if (len_z != 0) object { axis(len_z, rad, tex_common, tex_z) rotate< 90, 0,
0>} #end }
axis_xyz( 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.02,tex_axis_common,tex_axis_x,tex_axis_y,tex_axis_z)
// Camera from +X +Y +Z
{ orthographic
location <5,5,5>
look_at <0,0,0>
angle 40
// Camera from +Y
{ orthographic
location <0,10,0> / 1.5
look_at <0,0,0>
angle 40
// Camera from +X
{ orthographic
location <10,0,0> / 1.5
look_at <0,0,0>
angle 40
// Light
light_source { <0, 10, 0>, rgb <1,1,1> }
light_source { <10,0, 0>, rgb <1,1,1> }
light_source { <0, 0, 10>, rgb <1,1,1> }
// Poly0_2 common function
#declare FnPoly0_2 = function { pattern {
granite poly_wave 0.2 scale 0.7 }}
// No scale - shift by Y
#declare HF_Poly0_2_1 = height_field {
function 800, 800 { FnPoly0_2(x,y,z) }
pigment {Green}}
// With scale - shift by Y even more
#declare HF_Poly0_2_2 = height_field {
function 800, 800 { FnPoly0_2(x,y,z) }
scale <2, 2, 2>
pigment {Red}}
object { HF_Poly0_2_1 }
object { HF_Poly0_2_2 }
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Preview of image 'scale_y_shift.png'
On 2/14/23 14:00, yesbird wrote:
>> You shift it over from the origin in the same way, just with
>> addition/subtraction.
> I know, but why I should shift it ? We are looking straight at the origin, peak
> should be there, or I am missing something ?
> --
> YB
Disclaimer: I'm answering never having spent any meaningful time in the
height_field code with respect to how it, actually, works.
With respect to the centering remember the height_field functionality
was written well ahead of the ability to code functions in POV-Ray.
The original code worked with images. Image indexing starts in the upper
left and moves downward by row. Further images in POV-Ray were
originally set up to exist in the x+,y+ unit square. Shapes more often
were 'wrapped around y' sitting in/on the x,z plane - as is true for the
When the function capability was added, it was set up to mimic the image
x,y input values(a). Those values move from the upper left of the 'image
coded as a function' to the lower right by rows. Specifically: y=0, (x=0
to x=1) to y=1, (x=0 to x=1).
A function mathematically centered at the origin which we want at the HF
x,z origin needs to be coded as:
#declare somb = function (x,y) {
sin (sqrt (x*x + y*y)) / sqrt (x*x + y*y)
height_field { //+++++++++++++++++*** <------- Need this
function 500, 500 { somb(x*20, (1-y)*20) }
Yes. Functions as used in height_fields never see called x,y values
outside the [0-1] range.
Aside: There is a divide by zero exception at x=0, y=0 as 'somb' is
coded. POV-Ray official release users won't see the exception, but it
might lead to artefacts in the mesh at that corner.
What's the question on the y values? I read through the posts before
Bill P.
(a) - Or it was simply easier to continue to use the 'image' x,y value
mechanism on coding.
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