Long-long time ago, in the early 90s, when I was working in an institute of
applied mathematics after graduation from university, my scientific adviser
brought from SIGGRAPH conference a very impressive book - "The Algorithmic
Beauty of Plants" (http://algorithmicbotany.org/papers/abop/abop.pdf).
I've asked him to give me it to read at home and spent many sleepless nights
doing it. It was a fantastic journey to the world of L-systems which I was not
familiar with at those times.
Now, looking for the sources of the yes-objects for my yes-POV-project I
remembered about it and googled out following software that want to share with
This is a very well-done implementation of Aristid Lindenmayer's ideas,
extendable and running on different platforms.
Now I am looking for the way of integration it with POV, suppose it will be
great source of additional geometric structures for rendering.
Any ideas about possible integration are welcome :).
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