POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : obj2pov.c wanted Server Time
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  obj2pov.c wanted (Message 11 to 15 of 15)  
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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: obj2pov.c wanted
Date: 10 Feb 2023 08:27:15
Message: <63e64633$1@news.povray.org>
Op 10-2-2023 om 10:33 schreef yesbird:
> Hi,
>> Poseray indeed. It works like a charm for all kind of things.
> It's true, but I am stuck on the following: trying to export data from ZBrush in
> OBJ format I found that per-vertex colors are passed non-standard way - in
> comments, like described in the following paper:
> http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/obj/colour.html
> Paul writes that _some_ converters cat read per-vertex colors from three last
> numbers in line. I've done a few experiments with PoseRay (small OBJ attached),
> but without success, so I am in doubt - am I doing something wrong or it's not
> possible 'by design' of PoseRay ?
I am afraid I cannot help you with this as I am no expert, but others 
might. I do not use ZBrush myself (too expensive!). For modelling, I 
rely on Silo instead, and Poser for figures. Both export OBJ format, and 
I have no problems with them in Poseray.


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From: yesbird
Subject: Re: obj2pov.c wanted
Date: 10 Feb 2023 10:45:00
Message: <web.63e665a6c1c6394b768b900310800fb2@news.povray.org>
Hi, Thomas.

> ... Both export OBJ format, and  have no problems with them in Poseray.

Could you please send me small examples of these OBJs ? I would like to know, if
they are using per-vertice format and how if so.

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: obj2pov.c wanted
Date: 11 Feb 2023 02:31:01
Message: <63e74435@news.povray.org>
Op 10/02/2023 om 16:41 schreef yesbird:
> Hi, Thomas.
>> ... Both export OBJ format, and  have no problems with them in Poseray.
> Could you please send me small examples of these OBJs ? I would like to know, if
> they are using per-vertice format and how if so.
> --
Sure, can do.

Boerin_klomp_L.obj has been created in Silo and then exported as OBJ (to 
be imported subsequently in Poser).

Crate1.obj is a Poser object.


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Download 'boerin_klomp_l.obj.txt' (128 KB) Download 'crate1.obj.txt' (19 KB)

From: yesbird
Subject: Re: obj2pov.c wanted
Date: 11 Feb 2023 03:20:00
Message: <web.63e74e97c1c6394b768b900310800fb2@news.povray.org>
Thank you, shoes are very fashioned )

But unfortunately I see no per-vertice colors there. In any case yesterday I've
obtained Pixologic's SDK and now can omit OBJs, but exploring of this format was
not in vain.

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: obj2pov.c wanted
Date: 11 Feb 2023 04:24:27
Message: <63e75ecb$1@news.povray.org>
Op 11-2-2023 om 09:15 schreef yesbird:
> Thank you, shoes are very fashioned )
> But unfortunately I see no per-vertice colors there. In any case yesterday I've
> obtained Pixologic's SDK and now can omit OBJs, but exploring of this format was
> not in vain.

Shoes are wooden shoes btw... ;-)

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