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"yesbird" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> looks like parsing problem:
> ...
> // #declare s_ = "a string to display"; // This works
> #declare s_ = "----------------- DEBUG -----------------------------"; // This
> not
fwiw, cannot reproduce, works on the Linux box. as a workaround (perhaps), will
breaking the string in to "{hyphens}", "DEBUG", "{hyphens}" inside the concat
work? (in my own macros I tend to use the brackets, eg '--[someword]--' to
surround the (key)word)
regards, jr.
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"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscape net> wrote:
> ...
> #error "No objects in scene"
(there is one, though)
regards, jr.
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/* try1 */
#version 3.7;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1}
box {0,1}
// #declare s_ = "a string to display"; // THis works
#declare s_ = "----------------- DEBUG -----------------------------"; // This
#debug concat(s_, "\n")
#error "No objects in scene"
// #warning "end-of-file"
"C:\temp\povtest\try1.pov" line 14: Parse Error: Parse halted by #error
directive: No objects in scene
without console output, but with debug print in try1.txt (attached).
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Download 'try1.txt' (1 KB)
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> hi,
> "Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscape net> wrote:
> > ...
> > #error "No objects in scene"
> (there is one, though)
> regards, jr.
#declare your = 0;
#declare ears = 1;
// imma gonna
box {your, ears}
I was suggesting suppressing the render output until the other issue got
resolved :P
I'm gonna get you a pendant that reads "Pedant".
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"yesbird" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> -------------------------------------
> /* try1 */
> #version 3.7;
> global_settings {assumed_gamma 1}
> box {0,1}
> // #declare s_ = "a string to display"; // THis works
> #declare s_ = "----------------- DEBUG -----------------------------"; // This
> not
> #debug concat(s_, "\n")
> #error "No objects in scene"
> // #warning "end-of-file"
> -------------------------------------
> Gives:
> "C:\temp\povtest\try1.pov" line 14: Parse Error: Parse halted by #error
> directive: No objects in scene
> without console output, but with debug print in try1.txt (attached).
Hi Sergey,
Excellent. Now you can comment out the #error message and get on with what
you've been trying to do for the last several hours.
This is "fun", eh?
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> I'm gonna get you a pendant that reads "Pedant".
Thanks, this is a part of the profession )
> This is "fun", eh?
No doubt )
Final word: number of hyphens are matter - threshold is 14:
#declare s_ = "--------------"; // This works
#declare s_ = "---------------"; // This not
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"yesbird" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> "Final word"
HAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Famous last words. :D
I'm dying over here.
I'm getting output with:
But there is definitely something strange going on with the string size, the
output to the file, and possibly with concat ().
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"yesbird" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I'm gonna get you a pendant that reads "Pedant".
> Thanks, this is a part of the profession )
> > This is "fun", eh?
> No doubt )
> Final word: number of hyphens are matter - threshold is 14:
> #declare s_ = "--------------"; // This works
> #declare s_ = "---------------"; // This not
I just tested in the official Windows v3.7:
If there are several lines with 15 or more minuses, the first one is
converted to a solid horizontal line and the others are not shown.
It might be a feature - but I would consider it to be a bug.
Also, if you do not add a "\n" after the last debug line, it is
not shown.
Tor Olav
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"yesbird" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> ...
> > This is "fun", eh?
> No doubt )
BE's not wrong though. the parser is full of "surprises", and I think it's
pretty cool you should have managed to run into your first, so quickly :-).
re '#debug', although you can make strings longer than 255 chars, #debug will
silently truncate lines to its "preferred" limit; I once ran into this, if in
doubt emit short(er) lines/text.
> Final word: number of hyphens are matter - threshold is 14:
regards, jr.
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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Enabling debug output to console under Windows
Date: 5 Feb 2023 10:39:45
Message: <63dfcdc1$1@news.povray.org>
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Op 4-2-2023 om 16:32 schreef Bald Eagle:
> #declare your = 0;
> #declare ears = 1;
> // imma gonna
> box {your, ears}
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