Good evening again.
I would like to first of all thank everybody that has been of help to me as I
journey through pov ray. most especially Mr jr and m@b for producing fantastic
advice and codes.
per the subject of matter, I was able to produce some nice-looking scenes with
augmented or virtual objects integrated with images taken from my camera.
however, my issue is that the scene seems to be of low quality or low
resolution. I have read from the documentation and it seems to point to
something called Aliasing. I tried to implement it by reading the documentation
but it doesn't work. is there some sort of easy code I could just place within
my own code that will make the image look better? or is there any other way to
improve the quality of the rendered scene?
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"6digit" <eob### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> I would like to first of all thank everybody that has been of help to me as I
> journey through pov ray. most especially Mr jr and m@b for producing fantastic
> advice and codes.
> per the subject of matter, ... low quality or low resolution. ...
not sure how/where the "settings" are when using the UI version of POV-Ray, but
with GNU/Linux you'd supply the corresponding options on the command-line, or
"packaged" as an .ini file. the page below, section 2.2, discusses the various
re resolution - use the '+wNNN' and '+hNNN' switches, and make sure the w:h
ratio is the same as your camera's.
re quality - many options, but I find the following produces good results for
me, in many/most contexts: '+a +am3 +a0.01 +ac0.9975 +ag1 -j +q11'.
regards, jr.
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