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reading the reference for 'vrotate()'[*], I understood that all components of
'B' are used to rotate the point. yet, with the code below, both points are
identical for a given 'i_'. I expected different values of 'B' to result in
different "orbits", so, what am I doing wrong?
[*] <https://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:Vector_Expressions#Functions>
regards, jr.
#version 3.7;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1}
box {0,1}
#for (i_,0,359)
#local p1_ = vrotate(<5,0,0>,<0,i_,45>);
#local p2_ = vrotate(<5,0,0>,<45,i_,45>);
#debug concat("#",str(i_,0,0)," p1 <",vstr(3,p1_,",",0,6),">.\n")
#debug concat("#",str(i_,0,0)," p2 <",vstr(3,p2_,",",0,6),">.\n")
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On 21/07/2022 3:25 pm, jr wrote:
> hi,
> reading the reference for 'vrotate()'[*], I understood that all components of
> 'B' are used to rotate the point. yet, with the code below, both points are
> identical for a given 'i_'. I expected different values of 'B' to result in
> different "orbits", so, what am I doing wrong?
> [*] <https://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:Vector_Expressions#Functions>
> regards, jr.
> -----<snip>-----
> #version 3.7;
> global_settings {assumed_gamma 1}
> box {0,1}
> #for (i_,0,359)
> #local p1_ = vrotate(<5,0,0>,<0,i_,45>);
> #local p2_ = vrotate(<5,0,0>,<45,i_,45>);
> #debug concat("#",str(i_,0,0)," p1 <",vstr(3,p1_,",",0,6),">.\n")
> #debug concat("#",str(i_,0,0)," p2 <",vstr(3,p2_,",",0,6),">.\n")
> #end
> -----<snip>-----
You moved the point along the x axis then rotated it by 45 degrees in x.
The 45 degree rotation has no effect as the point is still at y = 0, z = 0
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"m@b" <sai### [at] googlemail com> wrote:
(thanks for swift reply)
> You moved the point along the x axis then rotated it by 45 degrees in x.
> The 45 degree rotation has no effect as the point is still at y = 0, z = 0
no visible effect for the first point, agree, but I thought the rotation would
(should!) still exist and propagate when subsequent points are calculated.
the next question, then, is how to specify a point <5,0,0> and corresponding
vrotate()s to give me two separate X-axis rotations (as I tried with the two
rotation vectors)? do I have to pre-compute some point not-on-axis beforehand,
or is there a "clean" way?
regards, jr.
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On 21/07/2022 6:10 pm, jr wrote:
> hi,
> "m@b" <sai### [at] googlemail com> wrote:
> (thanks for swift reply)
>> You moved the point along the x axis then rotated it by 45 degrees in x.
>> The 45 degree rotation has no effect as the point is still at y = 0, z = 0
> no visible effect for the first point, agree, but I thought the rotation would
> (should!) still exist and propagate when subsequent points are calculated.
> the next question, then, is how to specify a point <5,0,0> and corresponding
> vrotate()s to give me two separate X-axis rotations (as I tried with the two
> rotation vectors)? do I have to pre-compute some point not-on-axis beforehand,
> or is there a "clean" way?
> regards, jr.
This is hurting my brain a bit.
Reading the docs, the rotations are around the origin (<0,0,0>) so
#local p2_ = vrotate(<5,0,0>,<45,i_,45>);
sphere{p2_, 1}
is equivalent to:
sphere{<0,0,0>, 1 translate<5,0,0> rotate<45,i_,45>}
Not quite sure what you want to achieve.
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"m@b" <sai### [at] googlemail com> wrote:
> ...
oops, replied to the email, sorry.
regards, jr.
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On 21/07/2022 8:22 pm, jr wrote:
> hi,
> "m@b" <sai### [at] googlemail com> wrote:
>> ...
> oops, replied to the email, sorry.
My fault - I meant to reply on here, hit the wrong button.
> regards, jr
thanks for yr interest. so, point at <5,0,0>, I want to "orbit",
around Y, at an incline of 45°. rotating that amount in Z gives me
that, but the point/sphere crosses the Z axis in two places. adding a
rotation of +-X _should_ to my thinking, incline the orbit such that
it goes "over" +Z and "under" -Z, or vice versa. so I try to have
multiple orbits around origin, without them crossing/touching the
respective axis. (hope that makes sense) cheers.
I think what you want is this:
sphere{0, 1 translate<5,0,0> rotate<0,i_,45> rotate<45,0,0>}
i.e. apply the x rotation after the i_ thing. I don't think it is
possible using vrotate.
If you need to define the points in advance you could try this:
#local p2_ = transform {translate<5,0,0> rotate<0,i_,45> rotate<45,0,0>};
sphere{0, 1 transform p2_ }
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"m@b" <sai### [at] googlemail com> wrote:
> ...
> I think what you want is this:
> sphere{0, 1 translate<5,0,0> rotate<0,i_,45> rotate<45,0,0>}
> i.e. apply the x rotation after the i_ thing. I don't think it is
> possible using vrotate.
ah, ok, need separate rotations. (the "i_ thing" was just a placeholder for
> If you need to define the points in advance you could try this:
> #local p2_ = transform {translate<5,0,0> rotate<0,i_,45> rotate<45,0,0>};
> sphere{0, 1 transform p2_ }
thank you for the 'transform' reminder! I currently write 'sphere
{vrotate(...),...}' in the scene, so need to re-organise the sphere centres etc.
think I can make the transform into a macro :-). cheers.
regards, jr.
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> "m@b" <sai### [at] googlemail com> wrote:
> > ...
> > i.e. apply the x rotation after the i_ thing. I don't think it is
> > possible using vrotate.
> ah, ok, need separate rotations. ...
works as envisaged. thanks again.
regards, jr.
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