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Is there anything inherent to the way POV processes isosurfaces (and radiosity
for that matter) that would make the scale of scene objects relevant to the
results, or are any differences in scaling just a matter of floating point
rounding errors? For SSLT, it does seem that units matter, because there is the
global mm_per_unit setting to tune SSLT.
I have seen suggestions from time to time in the newsgroups about scaling up
isosurface objects if you are having difficulty cleaning up holes, or speeding
up the rendering, but again, is that because of the way isosurfaces are
processed or just the rounding errors?
In my own scenes, I have created macros to declare unit-based sizes, and never
use unit-less declarations any more. I tend to model scenes I find in the real
world, so I use the units based on my measuring device at the time, and/or known
sizes of real-world instances of those objects. I grew tired of trying to
remember whether I used metric or English measurements and doing the
conversions, so I created the macros. In addition, I set things up so I can
change the base unit used when rendering the scene. By default I work in 1cm =
1 POV unit, but if FP errors are getting in the way, I can easily change it to
meters or millimeters as needed.
-- Chris R.
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On 1/31/22 10:50, Chris R wrote:
> Is there anything inherent to the way POV processes isosurfaces (and radiosity
> for that matter) that would make the scale of scene objects relevant to the
> results, or are any differences in scaling just a matter of floating point
> rounding errors? For SSLT, it does seem that units matter, because there is the
> global mm_per_unit setting to tune SSLT.
> I have seen suggestions from time to time in the newsgroups about scaling up
> isosurface objects if you are having difficulty cleaning up holes, or speeding
> up the rendering, but again, is that because of the way isosurfaces are
> processed or just the rounding errors?
> In my own scenes, I have created macros to declare unit-based sizes, and never
> use unit-less declarations any more. I tend to model scenes I find in the real
> world, so I use the units based on my measuring device at the time, and/or known
> sizes of real-world instances of those objects. I grew tired of trying to
> remember whether I used metric or English measurements and doing the
> conversions, so I created the macros. In addition, I set things up so I can
> change the base unit used when rendering the scene. By default I work in 1cm =
> 1 POV unit, but if FP errors are getting in the way, I can easily change it to
> meters or millimeters as needed.
> -- Chris R.
:-) Questions like these I find hard to answer. Completely reasonable,
but the answers go on for as far as I can see!
In all official POV-Ray it's a good idea to keeps everything defined
within a 1e-2 to 1e+5 numerical space if you can. This just where things
work best numerically in official POV-Ray today.
The recommendation to scale up, I think has come about over time because
new users tend to set up symmetrically around 0.0 and POV-Ray's good
numerical space isn't centered about zero. Scaling up often helps - you
can get into numerical trouble that way too...
The numerical reality is immensely complicated in a tool like POV-Ray.
For example, some surfaces, shapes can support a larger numerical range.
Triangle meshes, spheres and boxes are effectively low order numerical
problems and these often work over a larger numerical range. The
distance rays are traveling between source and intersections matters to
the resultant numerical accuracy.
There is nothing particular to isosurfaces about centering your scenes
numerically where POV-Ray generally works best.
What is true about isosurfaces is the accuracy keyword value matters and
the default (0.001) is often too small for the image size of scenes
today(1). I start now at 0.0005 and tune if need be. The very best
accuracy achievable with an isosurface tends to be about 1e-6. This a
result of the solver technique and practical performance. Performance
degrades as accuracy goes up. I almost always define isosurfaces
somewhat closely around the origin for size(2) and scale as needed into
the scene.
Bill P.
(1) - Most shapes control accuracy internally to some preset value which
is - almost always - smaller than 1e-3.
(2) - The isosurface shape itself is reasonably centered numerically and
that accuracy value is a local, solver space, value.
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Le 2022-02-03 à 08:41, William F Pokorny a écrit :
> On 1/31/22 10:50, Chris R wrote:
>> Is there anything inherent to the way POV processes isosurfaces (and
>> radiosity
>> for that matter) that would make the scale of scene objects relevant
>> to the
>> results, or are any differences in scaling just a matter of floating
>> point
>> rounding errors? For SSLT, it does seem that units matter, because
>> there is the
>> global mm_per_unit setting to tune SSLT.
>> I have seen suggestions from time to time in the newsgroups about
>> scaling up
>> isosurface objects if you are having difficulty cleaning up holes, or
>> speeding
>> up the rendering, but again, is that because of the way isosurfaces are
>> processed or just the rounding errors?
>> In my own scenes, I have created macros to declare unit-based sizes,
>> and never
>> use unit-less declarations any more. I tend to model scenes I find in
>> the real
>> world, so I use the units based on my measuring device at the time,
>> and/or known
>> sizes of real-world instances of those objects. I grew tired of
>> trying to
>> remember whether I used metric or English measurements and doing the
>> conversions, so I created the macros. In addition, I set things up so
>> I can
>> change the base unit used when rendering the scene. By default I work
>> in 1cm =
>> 1 POV unit, but if FP errors are getting in the way, I can easily
>> change it to
>> meters or millimeters as needed.
>> -- Chris R.
> :-) Questions like these I find hard to answer. Completely reasonable,
> but the answers go on for as far as I can see!
> In all official POV-Ray it's a good idea to keeps everything defined
> within a 1e-2 to 1e+5 numerical space if you can. This just where things
> work best numerically in official POV-Ray today.
> The recommendation to scale up, I think has come about over time because
> new users tend to set up symmetrically around 0.0 and POV-Ray's good
> numerical space isn't centered about zero. Scaling up often helps - you
> can get into numerical trouble that way too...
> The numerical reality is immensely complicated in a tool like POV-Ray.
> For example, some surfaces, shapes can support a larger numerical range.
> Triangle meshes, spheres and boxes are effectively low order numerical
> problems and these often work over a larger numerical range. The
> distance rays are traveling between source and intersections matters to
> the resultant numerical accuracy.
> There is nothing particular to isosurfaces about centering your scenes
> numerically where POV-Ray generally works best.
> What is true about isosurfaces is the accuracy keyword value matters and
> the default (0.001) is often too small for the image size of scenes
> today(1). I start now at 0.0005 and tune if need be. The very best
> accuracy achievable with an isosurface tends to be about 1e-6. This a
> result of the solver technique and practical performance. Performance
> degrades as accuracy goes up. I almost always define isosurfaces
> somewhat closely around the origin for size(2) and scale as needed into
> the scene.
> Bill P.
> (1) - Most shapes control accuracy internally to some preset value which
> is - almost always - smaller than 1e-3.
> (2) - The isosurface shape itself is reasonably centered numerically and
> that accuracy value is a local, solver space, value.
One case that I've encountered where scalling up was needed was a scene
where 1 POV unit represented about 100m, and everything in it was human
scalled. There was some heavy bleeding in all corners.
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On 2/3/22 10:51, Alain Martel wrote:
> One case that I've encountered where scalling up was needed was a scene
> where 1 POV unit represented about 100m, and everything in it was human
> scalled. There was some heavy bleeding in all corners.
Thanks for the info. I fully expect there are as many exceptions as
answers. :-) In the end if scaling up (or down) helps, it helps.
Off the top of my head I can think of a couple scenarios where scaling
up could help with isosurfaces and radiostiy - somewhat apart from the
rough numerical region where solvers work well.
--- isosurfaces
I think of isosurfaces as having a far edge problem by nature.
The solver works in a couple stages. The first using the max_gradient to
sample at some minimum step size within the container until it see the
backside of the container shape or it's found a certain number of roots.
The max gradient is used to find transitions through the threshold value
- the roots, which are usually at or very near zero. After the
transition through a root is seen the accuracy value is used to control
how closely the root / the surface gets approximated.
Where working with boxes or small far-side shape features with a ray
approaching over the top, say - meaning a ray just barely catching a far
corner. In those situations the max gradient also needs to be high(1)
because that transition through the root value - and back - happens over
a very small region of space.
I often let the gradient warnings go in such cases (povr has an option
called 'report' to turn the warnings off by isosurface) and then I let
AA smooth things as best it can. This a piece of why I've pursued
certain AA and new jitter options in the povr branch.
Having max gradient warnings isn't necessarily a problem. You can have
even complete discontinuities in values so long as they happen away from
the threshold/root values. The max gradient must be large enough - for
the steps to be small enough - to still see the root transitions.
Further, the discontinuities cannot change, value wise, in a way that
indicates a root exists at / near the discontinuity.
Anyhow. It might be that scaling up an isosurface while keeping
everything else constant effectively made the gradient steps smaller
with respect to the overall shape - and so solved some corner / fine
detail resolution issues.
--- radiosity
If you were talking about radiosity bleeding through at room corners or
I've recently spent some time in the radiosity code due running down a
bug therein. While I still consider myself a radiosity amateur as a
user, it looked to me that after the radiosity samples are deposited on
surfaces, they are gathered within a region around the current
intersection while calculating the color/lighting contribution at any
given intersection. This mechanism is similar to what happens with
photon samples.
It wasn't clear to me there was any "strong" mechanism for ignoring
samples which might be on the other side of a surface or from a very
near unrelated surface. Further, there is the issue that the samples
which are actually stored to a file format have considerably reduced
accuracy - they likely drift small amounts after a save/read. Both
radiosity sample gathering 'exposures' are likely reduced by scaling up
and / or cranking down on the error values(a).
(a) IIRC these are tangled with actual scene distances.
Bill P.
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