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I would like to post another feature request, but there is nothing to search
inside newsgroups before posting double requests.
At the moment, the Search link just searches (with Google sdearch :\) in the
entire web. Not really useful.
Thank you.
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Except for a few inapropriate and silly advertisements that Google inserts as
the first few entries, I see a good list of POV-ray-only newsgroup links when I
use the Search bar (at least when using the search page's website portal.) But I
usually find what I am looking for within the first 2 pages of the search; I
have not looked past that, to see if there are links that have nothing to do
with POV-ray.
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Or you could just use Google and:
your search terms site:povray.org
which will restrict all search results to povray.org
I'm sure people with greater familiarity might know the syntax for searching
only within a specific group, say pbi
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From: Mike Horvath
Subject: Re: Feature request : a better Search module...
Date: 22 Feb 2021 02:22:14
Message: <60335ba6$1@news.povray.org>
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On 2/21/2021 3:20 PM, zebulon 1er wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to post another feature request, but there is nothing to search
> inside newsgroups before posting double requests.
> At the moment, the Search link just searches (with Google sdearch :\) in the
> entire web. Not really useful.
> Thank you.
The website admin should be able to restrict the search bar to just the
povray.org domain with a little tweaking.
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Mike Horvath <mik### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> The website admin should be able to restrict the search bar to just the
> povray.org domain with a little tweaking.
> Mike
Yep, maybe by embedding the "site:povray.org" terms, as suggested by Bald Eagle.
But yet -- and I could find it by myself. I'm brainless, sometimes... -- using
any web search that can use these terms, too. DuckDuckGo can do too, for
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On 04.03.2021 11:23, zebulon 1er wrote:
> Mike Horvath <mik### [at] gmail com> wrote:
>> The website admin should be able to restrict the search bar to just the
>> povray.org domain with a little tweaking.
Well, if Google wouldn't keep changing its search APIs that would be
easy. The search site restriction used to work...
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