POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : povray vs uberpov am3 Server Time
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  povray vs uberpov am3 (Message 24 to 33 of 33)  
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From: jr
Subject: Re: povray vs uberpov am3
Date: 19 Sep 2020 10:55:01
Message: <web.5f661b45aa461a8c4d00143e0@news.povray.org>

William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> On 9/19/20 8:22 AM, William F Pokorny wrote:
> ...
> Hey jr, Given you have machine which shows the slow down and one which
> does not, would you be willing to add the following test in compiles for
> both machines? Then try white/black and white/color renders on both?
> In tracetask.cpp, at about line 764, insert code so things look like:
> double cf = confidenceFactor[neighborSamples-1];
> PreciseRGBTColour sqrtvar = Sqrt(variance);
> if (variance.red()<0)
>      throw POV_EXCEPTION_STRING("kaboom");
> PreciseRGBTColour confidenceDelta = sqrtvar * cf;

sure, will find time in the next few days.  (will I need line above and below
for context or is it "self-evident"?  :-))

a specific "white/black and white/colour" test scene or are you referring to
Ton's code modified?

> ...

regards, jr.

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From: William F Pokorny
Subject: Re: povray vs uberpov am3
Date: 19 Sep 2020 13:14:29
Message: <5f663c75$1@news.povray.org>
On 9/19/20 10:52 AM, jr wrote:
>> In tracetask.cpp, at about line 764, insert code so things look like:
>> double cf = confidenceFactor[neighborSamples-1];
>> PreciseRGBTColour sqrtvar = Sqrt(variance);
>> if (variance.red()<0)
>>       throw POV_EXCEPTION_STRING("kaboom");
>> PreciseRGBTColour confidenceDelta = sqrtvar * cf;
> sure, will find time in the next few days.  (will I need line above and below
> for context or is it "self-evident"?  :-))

The lines above and below the test and throw are provided for context.

> a specific "white/black and white/colour" test scene or are you referring to
> Ton's code modified?

Ton's code modified for color and not. What you were running on both 

>> ...

Thanks. It's less a priority 4 hours later :-), but I would like to see 
the results.

Both implementations have the same basic problem. The occasional square 
root of negative values (Domain errors). Both would kinda / sorta work 
regardless. Due compiler versions, flag settings or maybe machine types 
- seems, on the domain errors, you might not break on the color channel 
threshold and instead only break on hitting the max samples check.

To fix those of you compiling at home can change the code in 
tracetask.cpp to look like:

if (samples >= minSamples)
     if (samples >= maxSamples)

     PreciseRGBTColour variance =
         (neighborSumSqr - Sqr(neighborSum)/neighborSamples)
         / (neighborSamples-1); // Sometimes very slightly neg
     variance = PreciseRGBTColour(           // Fix
                 max(0.0,variance.red()),    // Fix
                 max(0.0,variance.green()),  // Fix
                 max(0.0,variance.blue()),   // Fix
                 max(0.0,variance.transm())  // Fix
             );                              // Fix
     double cf = confidenceFactor[neighborSamples-1];
     PreciseRGBTColour sqrtvar = Sqrt(variance);
     PreciseRGBTColour confidenceDelta = sqrtvar * cf;
     if (confidenceDelta.red() +
         confidenceDelta.green() +
         confidenceDelta.blue() +
         confidenceDelta.transm() <= threshold)

Ton, The reason you need smaller thresholds in v3.8 for equivalent 
result in uberpov is the uberpov threshold test was:

if ((confidenceDelta.red()    <= threshold) &&
     (confidenceDelta.green()  <= threshold) &&
     (confidenceDelta.blue()   <= threshold) &&
     (confidenceDelta.transm() <= threshold))

With the fix in povr I can get pretty good white on black, or white on
Acajou results in roughly 16 seconds and 18 seconds, respectively. 
Similar quality white on black results took me nearly 20 minutes without 
the fix above.

The command lines I used were:

povr2 +d +p +q9 +am3 +a0.05 +ac0.9 +ss123456 +r6 +w600 +h600 ...
povr2 +d +p +q9 +am3 +a0.025 +ac0.9 +ss123456 +r6 +w600 +h600 ...

The color threshold does need to be smaller for similar method3 result 
and, on thinking about it, this makes sense. The absolute color 
difference white to the background is reduced. I'll post an image of the 
two results to povary.binaries.

Aside: There are comments in the code related to allowing a min sampling 
of other than 1, which I think could be helpful, but I don't immediately 
see how to implement it.

So, all good right? Nope... We have an underlying problem at which I've 
yet too look. We have a color template class with a Sqrt method that 
doesn't handle negative color values. POV-Ray allows negative color 
values. Do we update it to return negative square roots --> (sqrt(abs()) 
and flip result neg on neg inputs? What might changing this method mean 
to the code base as whole? I don't know.

Suppose we might want a maxZero color vector method too - if that a 
common need.

Bill P.

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From: jr
Subject: Re: povray vs uberpov am3
Date: 19 Sep 2020 14:55:00
Message: <web.5f665310aa461a8c4d00143e0@news.povray.org>

William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> On 9/19/20 10:52 AM, jr wrote:
> ...
> > sure, will find time in the next few days.  (will I need line above and below
> > for context or is it "self-evident"?  :-))
> The lines above and below the test and throw are provided for context.
> > a specific "white/black and white/colour" test scene or are you referring to
> > Ton's code modified?
> Ton's code modified for color and not. What you were running on both
> machines.

yeah, "white" being the line colour sunk in just after posting.  :-)

> Thanks. It's less a priority 4 hours later :-), but I would like to see
> the results.

excellent.  of course.

> ...

regards, jr.

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From: Ton
Subject: Re: povray vs uberpov am3
Date: 19 Sep 2020 21:20:01
Message: <web.5f66ad8daa461a8c6c5bf0280@news.povray.org>
Thanks Bill.

I modified the uberpov and povray sources with your modification, and expecially
povray renders a lot faster, from 235 seconds to 16. The resulting image, to me,
looks the same.

Once again thanks for your effort.


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From: jr
Subject: Re: povray vs uberpov am3
Date: 21 Sep 2020 17:30:05
Message: <web.5f691abaaa461a8c4d00143e0@news.povray.org>
"jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> > On 9/19/20 10:52 AM, jr wrote:
> > ...
> > Thanks. It's less a priority 4 hours later :-), but I would like to see
> > the results.
> excellent.  of course.

applied your fix on the newer machine, and now see (there, too) a decrease in
time of better than 50%; b/w - 16.105 cpu-seconds, c/w - 6.877 (res 960x720).
the other machine needs cleaning out (physically, runs hotter than I like)
before I get to patching POV-Ray, can post edited transcript of respective runs
in a few days, if you still want "full details".

regards, jr.

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From: William F Pokorny
Subject: Re: povray vs uberpov am3
Date: 22 Sep 2020 05:50:09
Message: <5f69c8d1$1@news.povray.org>
On 9/21/20 5:27 PM, jr wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> before I get to patching POV-Ray, can post edited transcript of respective runs
> in a few days, if you still want "full details".

We can let it go.

Good to see the performance improvements(1). I was still curious about 
the color channel < 0 throw results on both machines. But, the 
performance improvements from you and Ton I think pretty clearly 
indicate the domain error is the start of the problem on all 
machine/compiler/os combos and what happens after we can take as 
implementation differences for undefined behavior.

(1) - After posting, I played with many renders at different settings 
using Ton's test case. It's hard to get rid of the last little open bits 
without taking more initial samples. Changes in the seed moves them 
around and you could then merge multiple images, but that's ugly. The 
only somewhat reliable way I could get there in POV-Ray was by rendering 
a larger image. Adding the capability for min samples >1 to am3 
necessary, I think, for a best fleshed out implementation. Someday...

Bill P.

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From: jr
Subject: Re: povray vs uberpov am3
Date: 22 Sep 2020 08:35:09
Message: <web.5f69ef05aa461a8c4d00143e0@news.povray.org>

William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> On 9/21/20 5:27 PM, jr wrote:
> > "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> ...
> > before I get to patching POV-Ray, can post edited transcript of respective runs
> > in a few days, if you still want "full details".
> We can let it go.
> Good to see the performance improvements(1). I was still curious about
> the color channel < 0 throw results on both machines.

:-)  I'll post post-patch results for both machines in the coming days.  agree
though, a very worthwhile performance boost (and adding that single line was
easy to boot), thank you.

> .... The
> only somewhat reliable way I could get there in POV-Ray was by rendering
> a larger image. ...

yeah, learned that from NK's comments.  :-)

regards, jr.

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From: Ash Holsenback
Subject: Re: povray vs uberpov am3
Date: 22 Sep 2020 19:13:35
Message: <5f6a851f$1@news.povray.org>
On 9/22/20 5:50 AM, William F Pokorny wrote:
> <snip>
> Changes in the seed moves them 
> around and you could then merge multiple images, but that's ugly.


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From: jr
Subject: Re: povray vs uberpov am3
Date: 24 Sep 2020 15:40:00
Message: <web.5f6cf4f3aa461a8c4d00143e0@news.povray.org>
"jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> > ...
> > Good to see the performance improvements(1). I was still curious about
> > the color channel < 0 throw results on both machines.
> :-)  I'll post post-patch results for both machines in the coming days.  ...

jr@swift:3:$ pov38 ngton.pov -d -p +q9 +am3 +a0.1 +ac0.9 +r6 +w800 +h600
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.8.0-alpha.10064268.unofficial
 (g++ 5.5.0 @ x86_64-slackware-linux-gnu)
Render Time:
  Photon Time:      No photons
  Radiosity Time:   No radiosity
  Trace Time:       0 hours  0 minutes  2 seconds (2.984 seconds)
              using 4 thread(s) with 11.797 CPU-seconds total
POV-Ray finished

jr@swift:4:$ pov38 ngton.pov -d -p +q9 +am3 +a0.1 +ac0.9 +r6 +w800 +h600
Render Time:
  Photon Time:      No photons
  Radiosity Time:   No radiosity
  Trace Time:       0 hours  0 minutes  1 seconds (1.317 seconds)
              using 4 thread(s) with 5.157 CPU-seconds total
POV-Ray finished

jr@crow:2:$ pov38 ngton.pov -d -p +q9 +am3 +a0.1 +ac0.9 +r6 +w800 +h600 +wt4
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.8.0-alpha.10064268.unofficial
 (g++ 4.8.2 @ x86_64-slackware-linux-gnu)
Render Time:
  Photon Time:      No photons
  Radiosity Time:   No radiosity
  Trace Time:       0 hours  0 minutes  6 seconds (6.728 seconds)
              using 4 thread(s) with 26.678 CPU-seconds total
POV-Ray finished

jr@crow:3:$ pov38 ngton.pov -d -p +q9 +am3 +a0.1 +ac0.9 +r6 +w800 +h600 +wt4
Render Time:
  Photon Time:      No photons
  Radiosity Time:   No radiosity
  Trace Time:       0 hours  0 minutes  2 seconds (2.850 seconds)
              using 4 thread(s) with 11.224 CPU-seconds total
POV-Ray finished

all run with 'nice -n 19 ...'.  both compiled with '-O2', btw.


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From: William F Pokorny
Subject: Re: povray vs uberpov am3
Date: 25 Sep 2020 06:11:28
Message: <5f6dc250$1@news.povray.org>
On 9/24/20 3:35 PM, jr wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
>> William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
>>> ...
>>> Good to see the performance improvements(1). I was still curious about
>>> the color channel < 0 throw results on both machines.
>> :-)  I'll post post-patch results for both machines in the coming days.  ...
> all run with 'nice -n 19 ...'.  both compiled with '-O2', btw.
Thanks! Looks good in that the ratios bw to color are now nearly the 
same on both of your machines and mine.

Bill P.

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