![](/i/fill.gif) |
I created a couple macros for writing point cloud data to Stanford Polygon
format, and thought I'd share.
use like so:
#declare header = ply_header(FORMAT, VERSION, AUTHOR, DESC, POINT_COUNT)
write_ply(FILENAME, header, DATA)
#local header = ply_header("ascii", 1.0, "Anthony D. Baye", "A twisteded
hexagonal column", pC)
write_ply("HexColumn.ply", header, DATA)
#macro ply_header(FMT, VRS, ATH, DSC, VCT)
array[9] {
concat("format " FMT, " ", str(VRS,1,1), " { ascii/binary, format
version number }\r\n"),
concat("comment made by ", ATH, " { comments keyword specified, like all
lines }\r\n"),
concat("comment ", DSC, "\r\n"),
concat("element vertex ", str(VCT, 0,0), " { define \"vertex\"
element, ", str(VCT,0,0), " of them in file }\r\n"),
"property float x { vertex contains float \"x\" coordinate }\r\n",
"property float y { y coordinate is also a vertex property }\r\n",
"property float z { z coordinate, too }\r\n",
"end_header { delimits the end of the header }\r\n"
#macro write_ply(FILENAME, HEADER, DATA)
#fopen pCloudFile FILENAME write
#write(pCloudFile, HEADER[L])
#write(pCloudFile, vstr(3, DATA[P], " ",0,6), "\r\n")
#fclose pCloudFile
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![](/i/fill.gif) |