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If you don't know StackExchange yet, have a look at
StackExchange has millions of users, so has the potential of attracting more
users than the newsgroups here do. StackExchange has also an advanced framework,
instead of the limited options we have here. If you want to support my proposal,
please reply on the above link.
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>stevenvh on date 15/01/2013 19.22 wrote:
> http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/49716/pov-ray
> If you don't know StackExchange yet, have a look at
> http://stackexchange.com/sites
> StackExchange has millions of users, so has the potential of attracting more
> users than the newsgroups here do. StackExchange has also an advanced framework,
> instead of the limited options we have here. If you want to support my proposal,
> please reply on the above link.
StackExchange is a very useful platform, but proposal with not enough
activity will be closed.
Migrating from nntp to StackExchange could be useful for technical and
code related issues, but perhaps a little tricky for the management of
attachment (images, code, etc).
I'm curious what do POV-users think about.
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