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I've got a spherical screen (http://sos.noaa.gov) that I want to project some
POV-RAY objects on. The way the system works is it takes a single file and
projects it onto the sphere, so if you take a Mercator projection of the earth
and project it, the sphere looks like a globe. So what I want to do is find a
way of making a single image of the object that is like a Mercator projection of
the object sitting inside the sphere, with the goal of being able to walk around
the sphere and seeing the object from the correct angle. Any ideas?
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JimC wrote:
> I've got a spherical screen (http://sos.noaa.gov)
I envy you. I need one of those as decoration ;)
> POV-RAY objects on. The way the system works is it takes a single
> file and projects it onto the sphere, so if you take a Mercator
> projection of the earth and project it, the sphere looks like a
> globe.
As far as I can see SOS uses equidistant cylindrical projection,
not Mercator. Despite the name, I think the "spherical" camera
type in POV-Ray should create this kind output with lat / lon
rectangular coordinates.
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Well, I don't really have one, I have access to one at a local museum. I'll try
the "spherical" camera type. Thanks!
Christian Froeschlin <chr### [at] chrfr de> wrote:
> JimC wrote:
> > I've got a spherical screen (http://sos.noaa.gov)
> I envy you. I need one of those as decoration ;)
> > POV-RAY objects on. The way the system works is it takes a single
> > file and projects it onto the sphere, so if you take a Mercator
> > projection of the earth and project it, the sphere looks like a
> > globe.
> As far as I can see SOS uses equidistant cylindrical projection,
> not Mercator. Despite the name, I think the "spherical" camera
> type in POV-Ray should create this kind output with lat / lon
> rectangular coordinates.
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