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I have a problem with transparency while rendering. To make it simple I've made
an example to explain it. The scene consists of 3 cubes of different size,
placed one in another. The problem here is that if I put all the transmit
parameter to 1 with a white background; we should see only a completely white
picture. Here it's not the case, the last cube (the smallest and the one
surrounded by the 2 others) appears black. I don't know if a parameter is
missing in my code,... Here is the code:
#include "colors.inc"
#declare amb = 1;
#declare dif = 0;
#declare ref = 0.001;
camera {
location <45,45,45>
look_at 0
angle 30
background { color White}
<10,10,10>, <-10,-10,-10>
texture {
pigment{color White transmit 1}
finish { ambient amb diffuse dif reflection ref }
<6,6,6>, <-6,-6,-6>
texture {
pigment{color White transmit 1}
finish { ambient amb diffuse dif reflection ref }
<2,2,2>, <-2,-2,-2>
texture {
pigment{color White transmit 1}
finish { ambient amb diffuse dif reflection ref }
The version I use is the 3.6.
So if someone can help me! :D
Thank you!
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Le 21/04/2012 19:53, JolanYD nous fit lire :
> Hello,
> I have a problem with transparency while rendering. To make it simple I've made
> an example to explain it. The scene consists of 3 cubes of different size,
> placed one in another. The problem here is that if I put all the transmit
> parameter to 1 with a white background; we should see only a completely white
> picture. Here it's not the case, the last cube (the smallest and the one
> surrounded by the 2 others) appears black. I don't know if a parameter is
> missing in my code,... Here is the code:
> So if someone can help me! :D
Have a look at the text output: max trace level by default is 5 and I
guess you reach it.
global_settings{ max_trace_level 20 }
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> Hello,
> I have a problem with transparency while rendering. To make it simple I've made
> an example to explain it. The scene consists of 3 cubes of different size,
> placed one in another. The problem here is that if I put all the transmit
> parameter to 1 with a white background; we should see only a completely white
> picture. Here it's not the case, the last cube (the smallest and the one
> surrounded by the 2 others) appears black. I don't know if a parameter is
> missing in my code,... Here is the code:
3 nested objects means 6 surfaces to compute plus 1 for the background.
This makes 7 points.
max_trace_level default to 5, so you stop tracing at the 5th surface and
return black.
Outer box is 2 surfaces plus 1 or 3.
Second box add 2 surfaces for a total of 5, or the default value of
Third box adds 2 more abd gives black.
Set max_trace_level to a value large enough to go through all surfaces,
in your case, that's 7 or larger.
As you have non-zero reflection, there is no other solution.
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Alain <aze### [at] qwerty org> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a problem with transparency while rendering. To make it simple I've made
> > an example to explain it. The scene consists of 3 cubes of different size,
> > placed one in another. The problem here is that if I put all the transmit
> > parameter to 1 with a white background; we should see only a completely white
> > picture. Here it's not the case, the last cube (the smallest and the one
> > surrounded by the 2 others) appears black. I don't know if a parameter is
> > missing in my code,... Here is the code:
> >
> 3 nested objects means 6 surfaces to compute plus 1 for the background.
> This makes 7 points.
> max_trace_level default to 5, so you stop tracing at the 5th surface and
> return black.
> Outer box is 2 surfaces plus 1 or 3.
> Second box add 2 surfaces for a total of 5, or the default value of
> max_trace_level.
> Third box adds 2 more abd gives black.
> Solution:
> Set max_trace_level to a value large enough to go through all surfaces,
> in your case, that's 7 or larger.
> As you have non-zero reflection, there is no other solution.
> Alain
Thanks to both of you Alain and Le Forgeron, the solution is perfect!
Good bye!
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