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Dear friends,
How can I define my own object. For example, I like to define my own object
called two_balls, which includes two spheres. Then I can use it as the
usual one, say, placing it somewhere, etc.
Thank you
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Simply declare the object:
#declare two_balls =
sphere{<-5,0,0>,5 pigment{Blue}}
sphere{<5,0,0>,5 pigment{Red}}
When you wnat to use two_balls:
object{two_balls }
You can include transforms such as rotate and translate in the object
statement. If your spheres are not pigmented in dividually or in the union,
you can even apply a pigment/texture in the object statement.
"wenxu Zhang" <wxz### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> Dear friends,
> How can I define my own object. For example, I like to define my own
> called two_balls, which includes two spheres. Then I can use it as the
> usual one, say, placing it somewhere, etc.
> Thank you
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> Dear friends,
> How can I define my own object. For example, I like to define my own
> called two_balls, which includes two spheres. Then I can use it as the
> usual one, say, placing it somewhere, etc.
> Thank you
As posted Merrin...
In addition, I suggest you have look at the documentation section
Constructive Solid Geometry.
You'll learn very interesting stuff
http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/3.6.1/302/ and following
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