Hi to all, I'm doing an exporter from blender to pov but I found a problem
in the texture area that I havent been able to put my finger on.
This is a pov rendering
where :
#declare tex_MAMaterial_Sub1 = texture {pigment { gradient x
color_map{[0.000000 color rgb <0.113905,0.066455,0.000000,0.0>][0.426667
color rgb <0.388934,0.207464,0.000000,0.0>][0.893333 color rgb
<0.725624,0.563291,0.177640,0.0>][1.000000 color rgb
<1.000000,0.853262,0.322402,0.0>]} scale < 1.0,1.0,1.0> translate <
0.000000,0.000000,0.000000>} finish { diffuse 0.800000 specular 1.758810
ambient 0.10000000149 roughness 1/511 } }
and this is a blender render
When I export it create a mesh2 with uvm per hair (a lot of info)
as you can see the brightness is very diferent, Where is my error?
Thank you
Un Saludo
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> as you can see the brightness is very diferent, Where is my error?
I can not put my finger on it but he're some guesses.
- The texture looks fine, I tried it on a sphere
- The over all brightness is too high (light source too near?)
- Did you export normal vectors as well?
They'll will smooth the hair a lot.
- Some AA would look good
- Try to multiply every color in the color map by e.g. 0.5
- Draw a cylinder in parallel to the hair and compare
- Try phong instead of specular (though this will not change the
overall brightness)
- Shift the texture around. The brown part seems to be above the hair
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"Sebastian H." <van### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> > as you can see the brightness is very diferent, Where is my error?
> I can not put my finger on it but he're some guesses.
> - The texture looks fine, I tried it on a sphere
> - The over all brightness is too high (light source too near?)
> - Did you export normal vectors as well?
> They'll will smooth the hair a lot.
> - Some AA would look good
> - Try to multiply every color in the color map by e.g. 0.5
> - Draw a cylinder in parallel to the hair and compare
> - Try phong instead of specular (though this will not change the
> overall brightness)
> - Shift the texture around. The brown part seems to be above the hair
> Sebastian
Thanks for you reply :D Sevastian , I do export normals, I will try what you
recomend. I just got a more or less decent result increeseng the specular to
100 and hard as 50 . . I feel I'm geting close, but not quite there
Thank you for your help
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