I am trying to make my own Ray-tracing with Phong shading, but there are
some problems that i am having now.
Question) phong shadings need ambient, diffuse and specular but what i have
..obj doen't have any those information. what should i do?
*the other questions will be on soon..
Thank you..
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"Jong" <jon### [at] gmail com> wrote in message
> I am trying to make my own Ray-tracing with Phong shading, but there are
> some problems that i am having now.
> Question) phong shadings need ambient, diffuse and specular but what i
> have
> ..obj doen't have any those information. what should i do?
> *the other questions will be on soon..
> Thank you..
Welcome Jong,
I assume you mean you're making your own scene in POV-Ray.
You don't need to specify ambient, diffuse or specular to be able to specify
The following example defines two spheres, one with a phong highlight and
one without.
You can also set a phong size. See 'Phong Highlights' in the help.
There is a 'povray.newusers' news group that you may be more comfortable
posting your 'other' questions in.
Chris B.
camera {location <0,0,-4> look_at <0,0,0>}
light_source{<3,10,-10> rgb 1}
#sphere {0,1
texture {
pigment {rgb <1,0,0>}
finish {phong 0.5}
translate x
#sphere {0,1
texture {
pigment {rgb <1,0,0>}
translate -x
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