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Hi to all, I have 2 boxes like this
object {OBPlane_001 pigment { rgbt 1 }
interior {
media {
absorption 2
spherical density_map
{ [0 rgb 0] [0.5 rgb 0] [0.7 rgb .5] [1 rgb 1] }
scale 5
{ turbulence 2.0 }
//scale 5
that they intersect in some parts and give me this results
When they are along they look very good. how can I fix this?
Thank you
Un Saludo
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"RCRuiz" <ram### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> I have 2 boxes like this
> that they intersect in some parts and give me this results
> http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a116/RCRuiz/Temporal/pov013a.jpg
> When they are along they look very good. how can I fix this?
Coincident surfaces can be a common problem, in this case the media is
apparently affected even while the transparent boxes themselves aren't
actually seen. Make one smaller or larger by adding scale 1.001 or scale
0.999 and that should fix it.
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"Bob Hughes" <omniverse@charter%net> wrote:
> "RCRuiz" <ram### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> news:web.43e64c307d6d81aa11f39d970@news.povray.org...
> > I have 2 boxes like this
> > that they intersect in some parts and give me this results
> >
> > http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a116/RCRuiz/Temporal/pov013a.jpg
> >
> > When they are along they look very good. how can I fix this?
> Coincident surfaces can be a common problem, in this case the media is
> apparently affected even while the transparent boxes themselves aren't
> actually seen. Make one smaller or larger by adding scale 1.001 or scale
> 0.999 and that should fix it.
nope, it did not fix the problem but thanks . . I just found my error , is
in max_trace_level on the global settings I put 8 and problem fix :D
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"RCRuiz" <ram### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> "Bob Hughes" <omniverse@charter%net> wrote:
>> "RCRuiz" <ram### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
>> news:web.43e64c307d6d81aa11f39d970@news.povray.org...
>> Coincident surfaces can be a common problem, in this case the media is
>> apparently affected
> nope, it did not fix the problem but thanks . . I just found my error ,
> is
> in max_trace_level on the global settings I put 8 and problem fix :D
Curiously, I tried your script by replacing the declared object with box
{-1,1} and placed one at +y so they overlap and max_trace_level 256 can't
remove the artifacts. Only goes away when I scale one of them to 1.001. In
fact, if I use scale 1.0001 the shadow shows a square but the media objects
themselves seem okay.
I also gave larger media samples value a try and that didn't change the
original problem.
Makes me wonder if your camera is positioned in a way that makes a
difference. I did think at first that max_trace_level could be the fault
since it wasn't an artifact showing at any actual side where surfaces would
be coincident but changing that hasn't done anything here.
I'm surprised about the discrepency between rendered results we have, except
it could be computer/version/other specific. Important thing is that you
fixed it.
Bob Hughes
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Bob Hughes wrote:
Yes, not knowing what the object actually was I followed your lead Bob
and tried using stacked boxes with coincident surfaces and reproduced
artifacting similar to in his original example. The max_trace_level had
been set to 100, a setting I use in all my scenes by default. But when
I removed coincident surfaces as you'd suggested, it removed the problem.
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"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msn com> wrote in message
> Bob Hughes wrote:
> artifacting similar to in his original example. The max_trace_level had
> been set to 100, a setting I use in all my scenes by default. But when I
> removed coincident surfaces as you'd suggested, it removed the problem.
I'm not alone then. Thanks Jim!
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"Bob Hughes" <omniverse@charter%net> wrote:
> "Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msn com> wrote in message
> news:43e6a5b1$1@news.povray.org...
> > Bob Hughes wrote:
> >
> > artifacting similar to in his original example. The max_trace_level had
> > been set to 100, a setting I use in all my scenes by default. But when I
> > removed coincident surfaces as you'd suggested, it removed the problem.
> I'm not alone then. Thanks Jim!
> Bob
Hi, the thing is that I do not want to modify the size for each box. The
reason is that I'm using Blender Particles (mesh2 objects), each particle
is the same box, by using the particles it give me a nice result and I can
control the particles collision for creating obtacules on the smoke paths.
I do not know why it fix the problem with the trace level in my pc and not
in yours, that's wird :-?
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