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hi everyone,
Can anyone help me out for adding zooming in
and zooming out effect in a scene.
like supppose, i want to analyse some portion of scene
without loosing its integrity.
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yoshu <shu### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> Can anyone help me out for adding zooming in
> and zooming out effect in a scene.
Specify a smaller 'angle' in the camera?
- Warp
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And there is zoom.inc:
from slime (but I didn't find it on his page www.slimeland.com)
just googled for it, and just found it here:
(There's some help at the start of the file)
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KalleK <kal### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> And there is zoom.inc:
> from slime (but I didn't find it on his page www.slimeland.com)
> just googled for it, and just found it here:
> (There's some help at the start of the file)
> kalle
Not sure if I understand how (or if) zoomin.inc works, without having to
specify anything on the command line. (I'm a pure GUI Windows user, and
don't yet use the command line much, sorry to say.) This is a feature I've
been looking for for quite awhile. Does it NEED command-line parameters?
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hi buddies..
thanks for your help. But its really difficult for me to understand
concepts of zoomin.inc file. I have to finish this task in just one day.
if you have some examples or its implementation in steps, it will be of much
help to me.Even i prefer GUI environment.
"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] earthlink net> wrote:
> KalleK <kal### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> > And there is zoom.inc:
> > from slime (but I didn't find it on his page www.slimeland.com)
> >
> > just googled for it, and just found it here:
> >
> > (There's some help at the start of the file)
> >
> > kalle
> Not sure if I understand how (or if) zoomin.inc works, without having to
> specify anything on the command line. (I'm a pure GUI Windows user, and
> don't yet use the command line much, sorry to say.) This is a feature I've
> been looking for for quite awhile. Does it NEED command-line parameters?
> Ken
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yoshu schrieb:
> hi buddies..
> thanks for your help. But its really difficult for me to understand
> concepts of zoomin.inc file. I have to finish this task in just one day.
> if you have some examples or its implementation in steps, it will be of much
> help to me.Even i prefer GUI environment.
> shubh
> "Kenneth" <kdw### [at] earthlink net> wrote:
>> Not sure if I understand how (or if) zoomin.inc works, without having to
>> specify anything on the command line. (I'm a pure GUI Windows user, and
>> don't yet use the command line much, sorry to say.) This is a feature I've
>> been looking for for quite awhile. Does it NEED command-line parameters?
It doesn't need command-line parameters, it just uses the syntax of
them. This is no problem, you don't have to learn them.
What you have to do:
At first, you have to include zoom.inc:
#include "zoomin.inc" (assuming, zoomin.inc is within your
"Library_Path" (the directory of your pov-file works))
Define the to variables of your camera:
#declare n = -z*10;
#declare camera_look_at = <0,0,0>;
instead of using those vectors directly within your camerastatements,
use them like this:
camera {
location camera_location
look_at camera_look_at
render as usual
d) shift-and-drag the area in the rendered picture, you want to zoom in,
-> Povaray asks you wether to append this area to the commandline, a
window opens:
cut (not copy) those statements (something like:
"+sc0.304075 +sr0.535565 +ec0.429467 +er0.635983"
and add another command to your scene (after the declaration of a)),
using the cutted parameters as a string:
Set_Zoom_Area(camera_location, camera_look_at,
"+sc0.304075 +sr0.535565 +ec0.429467 +er0.635983")
f) render again, see what happens
(the above information should be within the zoomin.inc, just don't stop
reading, when it tells you things about the commandline, read on!)
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After using all the steps, still it is neither showing zooming effect
nor any problem.
I am not getting where i am doing mistake..:(
somthing like that string (+sc0.365949 +sr0.258486 +ec0.502935 +er0.420366)
from command line i cut and paste in my .pov program in function
set_zoom_area..... then again render..but result is same as previous one.
there is no zooming in effect..
Thanks ..
> e)
> cut (not copy) those statements (something like:
> "+sc0.304075 +sr0.535565 +ec0.429467 +er0.635983"
> and add another command to your scene (after the declaration of a)),
> using the cutted parameters as a string:
> Set_Zoom_Area(camera_location, camera_look_at,
> "+sc0.304075 +sr0.535565 +ec0.429467 +er0.635983")
> f) render again, see what happens
> (the above information should be within the zoomin.inc, just don't stop
> reading, when it tells you things about the commandline, read on!)
> kalle
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yoshu schrieb:
> Hi..
> After using all the steps, still it is neither showing zooming effect
> nor any problem.
> I am not getting where i am doing mistake..:(
It was my mistake:
maybe two of them:
you may have to add "-UV" to your commandline (Render/Edit
Settings/Render - or the textbox in the menubar (See Pov-Win-Help
and the "mainerror":
after the set_zoom_area - statement, you have to update the camera, by
Here's an example, that I tried:
(Just comment out the Set_Zoom_Area and update_camera... to see the
// Starts here:
#include "zoomin.inc"
#declare camera_location = <0.0, 0.5, -10.0>;
#declare camera_look_at = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>;
camera {
location camera_location
look_at camera_look_at
Set_Zoom_Area(camera_location, camera_look_at, "+sc0.304075 +sr0.242678
+ec0.495298 +er0.497908") // this must be first
sky_sphere {
pigment {
gradient y
color_map {[0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>][0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]}
light_source { <-30, 30, -30> color rgb <1, 1, 1>}
sphere { 0.0, 1
pigment { checker color rgb 1 color rgb 0 scale .1}
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