Sorry to cross post, but this question is "broader" than just amimation...
I just read the post about animating POSER figures posted
8/1/2004(in the poser topics... )
I was wondering if anything has changed since then? Also...a long while
ago, someone explained to me how to write a command SORT of like this
#declare My_OBJECT=object { "MY_POSER_FIGURE" concat "frame_number"}
object{ My-OBJECT }
so as to automatically render each of the differently posed object files
from POSER & POSERAY. Any help?????
(it's the "CONCAT" thing...???)
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sully323 nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2006-01-05 21:13:
> Sorry to cross post, but this question is "broader" than just amimation...
> I just read the post about animating POSER figures posted
> 8/1/2004(in the poser topics... )
> I was wondering if anything has changed since then? Also...a long while
> ago, someone explained to me how to write a command SORT of like this
> (???);
> #declare My_OBJECT=object { "MY_POSER_FIGURE" concat "frame_number"}
> object{ My-OBJECT }
> so as to automatically render each of the differently posed object files
> from POSER & POSERAY. Any help?????
> (it's the "CONCAT" thing...???)
The concat format is wrong. Use:
#include concat("MY_POSER_FIGURE",str(frame_number,-2,0),".EXTENTION")
where "MY_POSER_FIGURE" is a string of the constant part of the file name and
"EXTENTION" is the
actual extention of the file to include. You need str to convert the variable
"frame_number" into a
string, the -2 is to left pad with zeros and using at least 2 digits. (use -3 if you
have from 10 to
999 frames)
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> The concat format is wrong. Use:
> #include concat("MY_POSER_FIGURE",str(frame_number,-2,0),".EXTENTION")>
> Alain
Yeah, I knew I didn't have it right ;)
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