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I like to draw spheres of 1000 in 3D box. Is it possible with POV-ray?
I have 3-dimensional positions of spheres. How, I don't know how to put the
positions of spheres of 1000 on the program. As you know, it is difficult
to manually put position of each sphere on the program.
Thank you in advance.
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> I like to draw spheres of 1000 in 3D box. Is it possible with POV-ray?
> I have 3-dimensional positions of spheres.
If you already have their positions, your best bet is to write them out to a
text file in a format like
(comma separated vectors). Then you can use the #fopen and #read directives
(look them up in the documentation for details) to read and use the given
If randomly generated positions will do, that would be easier as you don't
need to use an external file.
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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James nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2005-11-18 20:06:
> I like to draw spheres of 1000 in 3D box. Is it possible with POV-ray?
> I have 3-dimensional positions of spheres. How, I don't know how to put the
> positions of spheres of 1000 on the program. As you know, it is difficult
> to manually put position of each sphere on the program.
> Thank you in advance.
If the exact position is not importent and all the particles use a relatively small
percentage of
the volume.
Use a while loop to randomly place all your small spheres.
If the positions of your spheres are from a file, you can use Slime's proposition.
You still use a while loop to read the positions from the file and create all the
spheres. If all
the spheres share the same texture, your better to wrap them all in an union and apply
that texture
to the whole union. It will use a lot less memory that way: 1 texture deffinition
instead of 1000.
Communism: It's everybody's shit.
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James wrote:
> I like to draw spheres of 1000 in 3D box. Is it possible with POV-ray?
> I have 3-dimensional positions of spheres. How, I don't know how to put the
> positions of spheres of 1000 on the program. As you know, it is difficult
> to manually put position of each sphere on the program.
> Thank you in advance.
If you want to put the spheres in in a grid, just use a loop and
variables for the position. Look up looping in the documentation.
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