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I found a little "problem" (with solution) that i'd like to share with you.
According to the reference Pov-Ray supports 5D-Vectors but there seems to be
no way to extract the fifth value (directly) or am i missing something? the
first four values can be extracted with .x .y .z and .t and thats it!?
I managed to handle with this problem with the following piece of code:
//start of code
#include "math.inc"
#declare someVector = <0,3,2,1,5>;
#declare value1 = someVector.x;
#declare value2 = someVector.y;
#declare value3 = someVector.z;
#declare value4 = someVector.t;
#declare value5 = VLength5D(someVector-<value1,value2,value3,value4,0>);
//end of code
Is this really the only possibility? Isn't it somehow silly to support
5D-Vectors without supporting a fifth dot-operater to get this additional
Greetings Roman
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Wasn't it Roman Reiner who wrote:
>I found a little "problem" (with solution) that i'd like to share with you.
>According to the reference Pov-Ray supports 5D-Vectors but there seems to be
>no way to extract the fifth value (directly) or am i missing something? the
>first four values can be extracted with .x .y .z and .t and thats it!?
>I managed to handle with this problem with the following piece of code:
>//start of code
>#include "math.inc"
>#declare someVector = <0,3,2,1,5>;
>#declare value1 = someVector.x;
>#declare value2 = someVector.y;
>#declare value3 = someVector.z;
>#declare value4 = someVector.t;
>#declare value5 = VLength5D(someVector-<value1,value2,value3,value4,0>);
>//end of code
>Is this really the only possibility? Isn't it somehow silly to support
>5D-Vectors without supporting a fifth dot-operater to get this additional
This works
#declare value5 = someVector.transmit;
Don't get confused by the fact that ".t" is the same as ".filter", and
isn't short for ".transmit"
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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"Roman Reiner" <lim### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> Is this really the only possibility? Isn't it somehow silly to support
> 5D-Vectors without supporting a fifth dot-operater to get this additional
> value?
Actually, 5D-vectors are to be thought of as colors... see: Operators
<...>The dot operator is also used in color expressions which are covered
later. Color Operators
<...>You may use the dot operator to extract a single component from a
color. Suppose the identifier Shade was previously defined as a color. Then
Shade.red is the float value of the red component of Shade. Similarly
Shade.green, Shade.blue, Shade.filter and Shade.transmit extract the float
value of the other color components. shade.gray returns the gray value of
the color vector.
Hoping this helps!!!
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Sorry, i didn't see that Mike Williams had already addressed this
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Mike Williams <nos### [at] econym demon co uk> wrote:
> Don't get confused by the fact that ".t" is the same as ".filter", and
> isn't short for ".transmit"
Ahh! that helps a lot. as you wrote I supposed .t to be short for .transmit
(like .r, .g, .b are short for .red .green .blue) and tried .f for .filter.
Thanks. Roman
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From: John VanSickle
Subject: Re: How to extract the fifth value of a 5D vector?
Date: 28 Oct 2005 17:59:42
Message: <43629f4e$1@news.povray.org>
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Mike Williams wrote:
> Wasn't it Roman Reiner who wrote:
>>I found a little "problem" (with solution) that i'd like to share with you.
>>According to the reference Pov-Ray supports 5D-Vectors but there seems to be
>>no way to extract the fifth value (directly) or am i missing something? the
>>first four values can be extracted with .x .y .z and .t and thats it!?
>>I managed to handle with this problem with the following piece of code:
>>//start of code
>>#include "math.inc"
>>#declare someVector = <0,3,2,1,5>;
>>#declare value1 = someVector.x;
>>#declare value2 = someVector.y;
>>#declare value3 = someVector.z;
>>#declare value4 = someVector.t;
>>#declare value5 = VLength5D(someVector-<value1,value2,value3,value4,0>);
>>//end of code
>>Is this really the only possibility? Isn't it somehow silly to support
>>5D-Vectors without supporting a fifth dot-operater to get this additional
> This works
> #declare value5 = someVector.transmit;
> Don't get confused by the fact that ".t" is the same as ".filter", and
> isn't short for ".transmit"
Paragraph of Da Rulez:
"For a 4D vector use .x, .y, .z, and .t to extract each float component."
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John VanSickle <evi### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> Paragraph of Da Rulez:
> "For a 4D vector use .x, .y, .z, and .t to extract each float component."
> Regards,
> John
Paragraph of Da Rulez:
"Read the question before answering" ;-)
Just kidding
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From: stephen parkinson
Subject: Re: How to extract the fifth value of a 5D vector?
Date: 29 Oct 2005 05:03:06
Message: <43633aca$1@news.povray.org>
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Roman Reiner wrote:
> John VanSickle <evi### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
>>Paragraph of Da Rulez:
>>"For a 4D vector use .x, .y, .z, and .t to extract each float component."
> Paragraph of Da Rulez:
> "Read the question before answering" ;-)
> Just kidding
> Roman
also in exams, read the rubrics (sp?)
ie 2 questions from part A and 5 from part B
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