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In the Windows version, Can I disable the initial splash window (the same
showed by "about" option from help menu.) when I Call POV-Ray from another
Sorry if it is obvious, but I no find it anywhere.
Eduardo Bolis
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Eduardo Bolis wrote:
> In the Windows version, Can I disable the initial splash window (the same
> showed by "about" option from help menu.) when I Call POV-Ray from another
> program?
> Sorry if it is obvious, but I no find it anywhere.
Well what's obvious is that the only reason you would want to disable
the splash screen is to obscure the fact that POV-Ray is called and this
it both unethical and illegal.
You can of course build a console version of POV-Ray that won't generate
any graphical output. You can also prevent the splash screen to turn up
*every* time you invoke POV-Ray by using a GUI extension - QuietPOV
shows how this can be done:
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Landscape of the week:
http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/ (Last updated 24 Jul. 2005)
MegaPOV with mechanics simulation: http://megapov.inetart.net/
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Christoph Hormann wrote:
> Well what's obvious is that the only reason you would want to disable
> the splash screen is to obscure the fact that POV-Ray is called and this
> it both unethical and illegal.
Unless you're invoking it in a loop over VNC on a slow link, at which
point merely refreshing the splash screen adds perhaps five or ten
seconds to each frame of animation. Which is a lot if many of them have
already been completed and you're using +C.
Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
"Rabbit beer, now with organic hops!"
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Darren New wrote:
> Unless you're invoking it in a loop over VNC on a slow link, at which
> point merely refreshing the splash screen adds perhaps five or ten
> seconds to each frame of animation.
This does not make sense - POV-Ray of course does not display the splash
screen for every frame in an animation.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Landscape of the week:
http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/ (Last updated 24 Jul. 2005)
MegaPOV with mechanics simulation: http://megapov.inetart.net/
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Christoph Hormann wrote:
> This does not make sense - POV-Ray of course does not display the splash
> screen for every frame in an animation.
Depends how you're invoking it. I had one building and several thousand
camera statements in separate files. (It wasn't technically what you're
likely to call an animation, but rather many different frames showing
the same object at different parts of its evolution in ways that "clock"
was just not the right tool to use, due to the use of the images later
in an interactive environment. Think Myst.)
Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
"Rabbit beer, now with organic hops!"
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> Well what's obvious is that the only reason you would want to disable the
> splash screen is to obscure the fact that POV-Ray is called and this it
> both unethical and illegal.
I have an Access database that calls POV-Ray from a Visual Basic script: the
splash screen was getting in the way so that I used the old MS-DOS version
instead of the Windows one. It's only unethical and illegal to obscure the
fact that POV-Ray is called if one wants to give such a system to other
people, but if one is doing it for a personal purpose the question is
perfectly sound.
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Gilles Tran wrote:
>>Well what's obvious is that the only reason you would want to disable the
>>splash screen is to obscure the fact that POV-Ray is called and this it
>>both unethical and illegal.
> I have an Access database that calls POV-Ray from a Visual Basic script: the
> splash screen was getting in the way so that I used the old MS-DOS version
> instead of the Windows one. It's only unethical and illegal to obscure the
> fact that POV-Ray is called if one wants to give such a system to other
> people, but if one is doing it for a personal purpose the question is
> perfectly sound.
Well - i didn't say anything like that, did i? If you had quoted the
next sentence i had written it would have been clear that this is not
the problem. Using a console version of POV-Ray is all right - not only
for personal use (although i would specifically not suggest to use an
outdated DOS version).
But if you want to use the GUI version you should accept the fact that
program information and credits are displayed when the program is
started in a way appropriate for the style of user interface (i.e. a
splash screen). If you don't like this (and i can think of good reasons
for this) don't use the GUI version.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Landscape of the week:
http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/ (Last updated 24 Jul. 2005)
MegaPOV with mechanics simulation: http://megapov.inetart.net/
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"Christoph Hormann" <chr### [at] gmx de> wrote in message
> Gilles Tran wrote:
> >
> >>Well what's obvious is that the only reason you would want to disable
> >>splash screen is to obscure the fact that POV-Ray is called and this it
> >>both unethical and illegal.
> >
> >
> > I have an Access database that calls POV-Ray from a Visual Basic script:
> > splash screen was getting in the way so that I used the old MS-DOS
> > instead of the Windows one. It's only unethical and illegal to obscure
> > fact that POV-Ray is called if one wants to give such a system to other
> > people, but if one is doing it for a personal purpose the question is
> > perfectly sound.
> Well - i didn't say anything like that, did i? If you had quoted the
> next sentence i had written it would have been clear that this is not
> the problem. Using a console version of POV-Ray is all right - not only
> for personal use (although i would specifically not suggest to use an
> outdated DOS version).
> But if you want to use the GUI version you should accept the fact that
> program information and credits are displayed when the program is
> started in a way appropriate for the style of user interface (i.e. a
> splash screen). If you don't like this (and i can think of good reasons
> for this) don't use the GUI version.
> Christoph
> --
> POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Landscape of the week:
> http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/ (Last updated 24 Jul. 2005)
> MegaPOV with mechanics simulation: http://megapov.inetart.net/
I dont understand quite what you mean when you say: "Well what's obvious is
that the only reason you would want to disable the splash screen is to
obscure the fact that POV-Ray is called and this it both unethical and
I personally want to disable it cause it kinda annoys me every time I run
it, how is this unethical or illegal?
Do we really need to see that splash *every* single time we run POV? I know
whats on it, so I'd be more than happy to make the thing launch that little
bit faster and not have to click ok all the time.
POV isn't alone here, *all* the software installed on my PC I have tried to
make as streamlined as possible and that includes removing any splash
screens as I have a pet hate against them :)
Cheers Dre
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Dre wrote:
> Do we really need to see that splash *every* single time we run POV? I know
> whats on it, so I'd be more than happy to make the thing launch that little
> bit faster and not have to click ok all the time.
I would really appreciate if you'd not spread such misinformation. You
don't have to click on anything when starting POV-Ray and nearly every
program i ever used on Windows shows a splash screen when starting.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Landscape of the week:
http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/ (Last updated 24 Jul. 2005)
MegaPOV with mechanics simulation: http://megapov.inetart.net/
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Christoph Hormann wrote:
> I would really appreciate if you'd not spread such misinformation. You
> don't have to click on anything when starting POV-Ray and nearly every
> program i ever used on Windows shows a splash screen when starting.
I just started a render from Moray, and the splash screen comes up. POV
was in fact running and rendering, but the splash screen was being
displayed. It does not disappear until you click 'ok'. Period.
I can't speak for which programs you use, but of the 10 programs I use
most often on this machine, let's see which ones have splash screens:
n - Notepad2 1.0.12
n - PuTTY 0.58
y - MS Excel 2000 9.0.6926 SP-3
n - Media Player Classic
n - X-Chat 2.4.1
n - ThumbsPlus 4.50-R
n - foobar2000 0.8.3
y - MicroPlanet Gravity 2.60b
n - command prompt
y - Terminus, TerminusPoint Edition 0.04
Excel's can be disabled with the command prompt switch /e, Terminus is a
game with an intro FMV (which can be interrupted). So, only one of my
ten most frequently-used programs has an unavoidable splash screen.
Tim Cook
Version: 3.12
GFA dpu- s: a?-- C++(++++) U P? L E--- W++(+++)>$
N++ o? K- w(+) O? M-(--) V? PS+(+++) PE(--) Y(--)
PGP-(--) t* 5++>+++++ X+ R* tv+ b++(+++) DI
D++(---) G(++) e*>++ h+ !r--- !y--
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