The include files from lightsys go into this folder:
C:Program FilesPOV-Ray for Windows v3.6include
And I pulled this chunk of code from one of the demo files:
// Include CIE color transformation macros by Ive
// used to convert spectrums and kelvin temperatures to RGB
#include "CIE.inc"
CIE_ChromaticAdaption(1) // turning off chromatic adaption for a
photographic look
// CIE Color system selection
//#declare My_ColSys = sRGB_ColSys;
//#declare My_ColSys = Adobe_ColSys;
//#declare My_ColSys = NTSC_ColSys;
#declare My_ColSys = CIE_ColSys;
//#declare My_ColSys = Beta_ColSys;
// Change color system white point for lights
//CIE_ColorSystemWhitepoint(My_ColSys, Illuminant_A) // tungsten 2856K
//CIE_ColorSystemWhitepoint(My_ColSys, Blackbody2Whitepoint(3200)) // Film
tungsten A
//CIE_ColorSystemWhitepoint(My_ColSys, Blackbody2Whitepoint(3400)) // Film
tungsten A
//CIE_ColorSystemWhitepoint(My_ColSys, Illuminant_F11) // fluorescent 4000K
//CIE_ColorSystemWhitepoint(My_ColSys, Illuminant_D50) // daylight 5000K
//CIE_ColorSystemWhitepoint(My_ColSys, Illuminant_D55) // daylight 5500K
//CIE_ColorSystemWhitepoint(My_ColSys, Illuminant_D65) // daylight 6504K
CIE_ColorSystemWhitepoint(My_ColSys, Illuminant_D75) // daylight 7500K
// Main lightsys include
#include "lightsys.inc"
// Include predefined lumens, spectrums, kelvin temperatures
#include "lightsys_constants.inc"
// Brightness control (global light multiplier):
#declare Lightsys_Brightness=1/6; // adjust for a brighter/dimmer image
#declare Lightsys_ExposureFake=0.625; // experimental.. try 0.625 for an
eye-like adaptation
// Color filter (global color-correction):
#declare Lightsys_Filter=CC20Y; // Yellow CC filter for daylight
//#declare Lightsys_Filter=CC10M; // Magenta CC filter for fluorescents
// light colors from emissive spectrums
#declare Cl_Daylight =Daylight(7500);
#declare Cl_Sunlight =Blackbody(5500);
// textures with colors from reflective spectrums
#include "rspd_jvp.inc"
#include "rspd_aster.inc"
// change white point for reflective spectrums
I paste it into the scene file after the global settings and before the
camera and light settings.
And finally, a light that has a lightsys color, which in this instance in
//(CE.pz3) Sun
light_source {
<-0.0179173,0.982228,2.67377> //light position
tightness 16
falloff 15
radius 7.5
point_at <-0.0179173,-0.04145542,-2.142282>
I'm still getting the hang of it myself, and there are a ton of options, but
this will get you started and feel free to ask follow up questions.
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"Fred Smith" <paj### [at] verizon net> wrote:
> What is it and were do I get it. Google got no links to this file.
> I have already downloaded and installed lightsys.
Hi Fred,
you already downloaded "lightsys.inc"? And you don't have "CIE.inc"?
Take a look at
you will find what you need.
Greetings, em-sigma
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